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02/06/09 12:07 AM

#81100 RE: frogdreaming #81099


That is a classic case, of much ado about nothing.

When Mike called me, I already knew (from PL1's report) that Sarah and a lab worker had been seen in DNAG HQ, recently. I was also very aware of the many negative and false claims that were being thrown around. Mike called and asked me for information. He wanted to know where they were. The _only_ information he gave me was, that they weren't there, (up until that time, on that day, I presume. I didn't ask for more details.) In the context of all the negative false claims flying around, I seem to have misinterpreted what was probably his genuine curiosity/concern/surprise, for false concern designed to scare me. I thought the circumstances were suspect. I didn't take him seriously, (which I suppose is why he repeated himself a bit,) I told him I was busy, that I didn't know where they were (but I knew they had been seen there recently,) and I didn't speak with him long, only about 1 or 2 minutes, if I recall correctly. Anyway, now we know the rent _is_ paid up (contrary to the unsubstantiated claim,) and they are still around. As I said before, I don't expect DNAG HQ to be fully staffed 100% of the time, in the midst of a difficult financing squeeze. Fully staffing during such a time, can be suicidal for a company.

As for the insider information I now have, and my ability to trade, I have not acted on any of the information I have recently come across. My pre-existing trading plan (in the form of my buy limit orders) has been in existence, unchanged, for quite a while now, long before I obtained anything even remotely resembling inside info., and my brokerage is executing that plan for me. They have a record of when I set those limit orders up, and it was long before I obtained any inside info., whatsoever. As long as I don't change my pre-arranged trading plan in any way, it doesn't matter what information I obtain. If I get hits on my buy limit orders, that's allowed under the pre-arranged trading plan. (Yes, limit orders are allowable under such plans. I looked it up, previously.)


Porgie Tirebiter

02/06/09 11:07 AM

#81109 RE: frogdreaming #81099

Interesting indeed!

Here we have a landlord who was uncomfortable enough that he felt the need to do a little research beyond the norm, which led him to Mr. Gannon. We can only assume that the landlord did this because he had found that he could no longer contact the company by either knocking on the door, or phoning the people he was accustomed to conducting business with. This sort of supports the conclusion that the principals have "flown the coop".

Now we have a happy landlord, who obviously has obtained that which generally makes landlords happy. Dan, I hope you were smart enough to obtain a note senior to Dutchess.

Now, but then again, if the landlord had put the broken SNiP machine out on the curb, this might lead to an unfavorable report from "Fox" (Thank you again for taking the time!) which might not do well for share price. So perhaps the rent is a small enough investment, when compared with the potential to be made in share price increase, to keep the ruse of an active company in place.



02/10/09 9:59 AM

#81180 RE: frogdreaming #81099

In the past years it has been proven the SEC is asleep at the wheel......why would anyone worry about this?????

o here is the question. Since the insider now has information that is not public and was characterized as 'scaremongering' when thought to be presented by an impostor, can he legally act on that information and trade his shares without running afoul of the insider trading laws?

Heading to F-L-A for red sox.....will spin by DNAprint
