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Bob Zumbrunnen

05/10/02 4:36 PM

#8 RE: Mattu #7

I certainly wouldn't pay for it and I don't see anybody else being willing to pay for a delayed quote on each page. Simply because it is useless.

And that pretty much ends this discussion then.

We're not trying to compete with QCharts and the like. We can't afford to.

Personally, I'm just fine with going elsewhere for quotes, as I've always done and as I'm sure everyone currently does. And less work for me as a programmer and less risked money.
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05/10/02 4:43 PM

#9 RE: Mattu #7

Matt. A small streamer with 5 quotes or less is fine with me.

How much I'd pay for it? Hmmmmmmm.

The problem with that is if you trade online most sites have it for free.

So it would have to be a low price in order to just be a conveinence item.

Which may make it not in Ihubs best interest.
I don't know your numbers so you will need to evaluate that..

I do know if you don't receive streaming quotes from online broker you can get them for free from Scottsdale.
Or pay $10.00 elseware.

So based on the above it probably wouldn't be worth much to me.
Maybe $3.00 a month.


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Bob Zumbrunnen

05/10/02 4:59 PM

#11 RE: Mattu #7

One more thing:

OK, so what you are talking about is a delayed quote like SI has.

No, and I thought I said this earlier. But maybe I didn't.

A delayed quote like SI *and all of the rest of our competitors* have.

Doesn't seem "useless" to them, so I figured even though I also found them useless when I was a very active trader (and less so now that I'm not), there might just be a reason they're offered.

The asserted obligation (if true) to offer this free of charge to Grandfathered members no matter the cost involved really smothers this one in the cradle, though, as it were. Unless a large enough number of people are willing to (even if unwittingly) subsidize the cost for them.

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05/10/02 6:59 PM

#25 RE: Mattu #7

I basically agree with you, Matt.

Would I pay for ANY quotes? Nope. I can get delayed ones from lots of sites, and real time ones from my broker if I really need them.

The likelihood is that I would turn it off. It's just a distraction.

If I need during-the-day quotes, which I rarely do, it's easy enough to open another window and toggle back and forth. Virtually everybody on the site, I'm sure, has enough computer power to have two browser windows open simultaneously.

And philosophically, think about the kind of poster to whom streaming, or even delayed, quotes, are important as they read and write messages.

Personally, I would rather see Bob's development time spent on other projects. (For example, including the thead name on the public messages in the mailbox page.)

If it's going to make the site stronger, bring in more revenue, not provide a distraction or diversion from the main purpose of the thread, and bring in good posters, then you should go for it. But personally, I have my doubts.

Many shall be restored that are now fallen, and many shall fall that are now in honor. Horace