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02/24/09 2:00 PM

#518 RE: MikeDDKing #515

STVI recession-proof stock growing fast. Q3 net income tripled over Q2 just before it while still sporting a tiny annualized PE ratio. Q4 has been preannounced with record sales.
Company forecasts much more growth over the coming months.

STVI has a tiny float, debt-free, and is becoming cash-rich while operating their recession-proof booming business.

With STVI earning +.04 EPS last Q and the massive margins it has, could +.10 Qs be far away or a +.40 annual pace? If so, PE of mere 10 = $4.00/share. They have yet to even advertise their services, only just began offering premium services, and are in the process of being the first to launch to mobile phones including the iPhone.

We should hear key info within 45 days of yesterday about their mobile dating application being launched according to investor relations.

Just my opinion. More detailed DD & Board here:


05/29/11 12:08 PM

#533 RE: MikeDDKing #515

Swing Trading, especially solid stocks that

will be there tomorrow, is the best way to
go. Found my way to go in the stock trading

