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01/26/09 6:20 PM

#110307 RE: Q-reus #110306

yes, very exciting!
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01/26/09 7:33 PM

#110310 RE: Q-reus #110306

"They (competing companies) ALL are behind, if they're in the HAA race."

This is "not" true!

You can not name a single company involved in the development of HAAs that is in worse shape than GlobeTel/Sanswire. They are still playing with a "technology demonstrator"! Even "if" they actually stumbled on to something worthwhile, do you think for a minute the Boeings and Raytheons of the world would just stand by and let them jump past them. GlobeTel/Sanswire does not have the rescources or reputation at this point to bring anything of this nature to market... they would be scoffed at!

"Sanswire's stratospheric venture is on par with the rest of the industry. Are they too scams?"

You have no clue if this is true or not!!!

GlobeTel/Sanswire has been a pump and dump, fraudulent scam for years. They pump, hype and over promote anything they possibly can. Honest companies do not operate this way. You have no idea what other companies have and how far along they are because they don't operate like this scam!

"All of this unreadiness, and Sanswire is still in the race."

What race is that? The race to bankruptcy?

"We're 4 years ahead of the competition..."

Was just another one of their "LIES"!!!