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07/07/04 3:26 PM

#5737 RE: therooster #5736

Rooster what do you call growth ....LB printing more shares and selling them to some poor SOB... Until some positives happen to this company it is going nowhere and deserves to go nowhere... I for one do not think we should allow LB to keep printing shares for himself...
Wake Up!
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07/07/04 3:57 PM

#5739 RE: therooster #5736

rooster....easy there old feller

You're gonna burst a blood vessel at this rate. Check your meds.

I'm sorry you lost a pile on this mess, but your mindless, sycophantic blatherings aren't gonna bring that pile back.

I'm also sorry that the bitter reactions of former supporters is bothersome to you. Guess what....none of it will affect the pps one iota.

I recommend meditation, metamucil, and a nice long walk.
Good luck!
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07/07/04 4:04 PM

#5740 RE: therooster #5736

Old friend (and I DO mean that), you are 100% correct when you assert that I've taken part in the hate here. Myself and just about everyone else here are pretty gutteral when it comes to losing a pile of dough at the hands of an incompetent. If you'll recall, it was I who raised the red flag maybe 4 years ago when I bailed out of the OBC, a friendly little group of (at the time) happy investors. It was I who formed that group but could not stand by it once the cardinal rule (thou shalt not bad-mouth the company) couldn't be kept and the reason it couldn't be kept was then and is now -- Elbee.

We came so verrryyy close to having something finally going for us when Wolf took over the reins but that was queered by you-know-who.

All Elbee had to do was produce one -- just ONE -- verifiable deal in the past 6 years and this site would be nothing but happy campers. ONE!

Now we've got ourselves a new CEO and I wish him all the luck in the world. If this dude is as sharp as his press clippings suggest, he simply ain't gonna last. If he gets his hands on the books, he ain't gonna stick. If he checks into the placement of the monies sent to the company, he'll either get to the bottom of the apparent inconsistencies, bail out or go along with them. AND, if he goes along with any of it without doing some damned deep digging, he won't be a bit better than old leather breeches.

Hasher simply ain't the problem, rooster. Snaper might be holding things up as best he can but I'll wager anybody here in the same circumstance would do the same. Snaper finally had the light turn on in his gourd and saw the lunacy going on around him.

I wish to hell he had seen what I saw 4 years ago.
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07/07/04 5:40 PM

#5743 RE: therooster #5736

Rooster, no one is pushing HATE.

People are posting their own personal experiences with that lying sack of sh*t LB.

Why don't you ask LB why he's dumping shares with this new, unbelievably accomplished CEO on board?