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01/14/09 8:51 PM

#52185 RE: ATWO2025 #52181

I tend to think bad times bring out the best in humanity. We've had it good for generations and perhaps its now our turn to feel the heat a bit.

Regardless, I'm not worried so much as I'm just disgusted to see so much of what countless Americans died and shed their blood to protect us from, so quickly embraced as a means of saving us from an economic meltdown.

But the answers to so much of what's wrong today are right before our eyes. As a people, we're just conditioned to trust, be it the news media, or politicians, or whoever.

Thats why 99% of America know nothing about WaMu's collapse beyond the hit pieces floated out there for that very purpose.

Regarless, I want to be proven wrong about an awful lof of stuff. But I've had a pretty good track record of being right about so much of what's happening now, not because I'm so intellegent, but rather... we're on a collision course with a one world financial system. That's quite simple to see by looking at the bailouts and and whatnot... not only here in America, but around the globe.

Iv'e watched as Islamic terrorists, not all of those who believe in Islam, but the terrorists have been rebranded as "fundamentalists". I've watched as nation after nation has rewritten their laws to remove personal freedom from all for the sake of "protecting" citizens from fundamentalists.

WaMu is a microcosm of things to come... think, the ghost of Christmas future. If things aren't changed, and changed soon.. the people of this planet are in for a hell of a ride... if you catch my drift.

I pray, literally... that something will give soon enough. I see the kids next door and it bums me out to see the world that they're growing up in.

But seriously, sometimes we need to feel a chill to revalue the heated homes, hot water, and indoor plumbing that we so often take for granted. Hopefully, the outcome of all of this will be that the American people will grow a backbone and a thicker skin so as to regain the bravery needed to flourish in tough times.

But as you stated, this thing flies and we're all better off $ wise. If it happens, think of those in need. We can make a difference in a lot of ways and should this pan out and should some of us gain a little financial blessing, "Do unto others..."

Feed the hungry and give them a ride to wherever they're going in your new porsche. Nuff said for now. :O)

line is, try not to get discouraged...And things usually have a way of working themselves out...They'll just work out better if this baby flys..."