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07/03/04 8:19 PM

#44926 RE: zeninvestor32 #44848

I have read your post, I would like to ask a Question.
What if the o/s is private already. Meaning that CMKX owns all the shares. The shares that are owned by individual Investors
are shorted shares. If a Press Release came out indicating a similar scenario. Where would the Stockprice go .

janice shell

07/03/04 11:56 PM

#45020 RE: zeninvestor32 #44848


've actually been a silent proponent of having a halt issued on trading overall anyway until the O/S is properly released. This would IMO prevent further shorting and manipulation. Now, if any of the major brokerages actually do suspend trading on CMKX (all still rumor IMO), this could in effect force the company to issue a halt on trading because the market would not be even-handed considering some could buy and/or sell and others couldn't. If this happened, IMO this would give Urban and Roger the time to properly execute their plan.

Go here:

Check out what happened to the stocks in question afterwards.

janice shell

07/03/04 11:58 PM

#45021 RE: zeninvestor32 #44848

As if.

Wouldn't it be ironic if all the shorts' efforts to sabotage the TA backfired into a halt until the O/S was released. LOL Stock could re-open at 5 cents.


07/07/04 8:05 PM

#47354 RE: zeninvestor32 #44848

This was posted by Zen on July 3. I would like to bring this post to the attention of all us CMKX shareholders. I have been calling for a halt on trading for already 4 weeks now. I think the only realistic way for CMKX to make progress is to initiate a trading halt until the o/s is released. This, (as Zen has mentioned) will properly give CMKX the time needed to finalize their audit, and most importantly it will also begin to trade at a market fair value. We would literally by - pass the MMs.