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07/02/04 3:10 AM

#7599 RE: lostcowboy #7597

Gotmilk's Computer Learning is but but but'n along.

Sort of like riding in a car with square wheels :o)

An image worthly of Paulie Chestnut's Pixel Palace. #board-2581

Since real life is too hard to model for an example,
lets stay two dimensional with the wheel being a polygon.

Gotmilk is created from the union (or intersection?)
(or penetration?) of Dad's sperm with Mom's egg.

While the good doctor Zeev Hed spins his wheels with others
on his political turnip board about when life starts,
we all agree that the universe we live in today had a start
using that Big Bang theory, but what started the Big Bang
is still to be discovered, as in what existed prior to it,
for did matter and energy exist, or to even ask if the
concept of time, or phenomenon of gravity existed prior
to the Big Bang was present, even with matter and energy
not present, but something else we are clueless about.

But back to life, and when it starts, with focus to the
square wheels turning in Gotmilk's heads (location: brain)
to represent his thinking & learning.

That moment where "Dad's sperm + Mom's egg" creates a child
(aka a person) will be knowned as life depends on a view of either
Biology or Religion.

For sure the concept of potential energy is well knowned,
as is the case that it may or not exist at the same time
for the same object in question since a frame of reference
is needed, time, space and its relationship to another object,
or point of view in the life case.

When the sperm and egg make contact and results in birth,
we know that the chemical make-up just prior to and just after
the contact made is near identical, with any changes occuring
at contact well knowned as reactions not classified as life
or "life in the making", just chemical reactions that can be
duplicated in the lab using substances obtained not from any
sperm or egg. Thus the creation of life at this instance
using concepts of a religion saying life starts at this moment
is something like a potential energy created (potential life)
that we all know as the sperm and egg interacting with each other,
not as a born person having a brain.

So how may this sperm and egg have life that we can not identify
physically as a person living at birth with a brain?

Where is the life?

Can it be there, not in the x-y-z world we live in, but still exist?

A point exist for us eventhought it has no dimensions, but it
does have a location.

The point can be made into a line, but while it now has length,
it still does not exist in it's single dimension for us to be
able to observe it as occuping space in our world.

But once the line enters two dimensions it now has the ability
to intersect or touch itself and create a field of vision for us
that is bounded by the line, two views, internal and external.

But still it does not exist in our three dimensional work as object,
just more as an idea or frame of reference extended to us.

But here we speak not of the line having properties, but that
which it outlines or makes into a shape, the area concept.

So eventually when the line extends into three dimensions
we can then actually introduce matter and energy into it.

Like the Big Bang, prior to it there was a potential of life,
eventhought matter and energy may not have existed then, or there.

Similiar, the point and the line exist as potentials to create
what we know as space, that needed for matter and energy to occupy.

Can we say that matter and energy must have a source,
and that source are points that become lines that become space.

If so, then the joining of a sperm and egg also has something
like a point, that eventually becomes life.

Life being observed by our conscience is a bad concept,
for all we are doing is being aware of ourself as being,
as in "I am" as seperate from the "they are" observation
which is only another "I am" thought.

Conclusion: The life of a new born baby existed prior
to the joining of the sperm and egg, like the point and line
that exist not in our realm, but as a potential for space.
