I must compliment you on your post. These people spend 24 7 trying to find something wrong, rather than what is right. They don't believe the CEO, their eyes or ears. They are ready to settle for nothing just to say we settled, then they complain because it should be more, but all the time saying I will take peanuts.
If you post a positive thing, they try like hell to tear it aoart, no matter if its what a officer of IDCC said it, it just can't be true because they don't want it to be true.
Attornies say we are happy and thats both sides, and they can't be happy unless who they work for says we have a agreement. Its impossible to be happy otherwise.
They all decided that approximately 45 days meant exactly 45 days and not a day more, which is ridiculous, as approximately actually has no time frame other than one would assume close to the delegated date, but 11 months later is approximately closer than 13 months later just for use of a absurd illustration of approximately.
If something was wrong those officers wouldn't be getting those bonuses over the licenses they got done last year for sure. On top of that a 8K would be out, and IDCC would be getting ready to go before the ITC and also civil court from legal proceedings brought by investors for misrepresenting the facts in their presntations and web site.
Any way I was suprised to see your post and how accurate you was about these board members.