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07/01/04 7:26 AM

#74339 RE: lvjack #74337

Getting into this late apparently, however since you did address to all,

Regarding your statement -"I promise you the bond trader is a helluva lot more insightful CB Jim"

You couldn't be farther from the true. On one hand you have a fair and honest man who trys to do what's right,a man with a conscience. On the other, a pretender/wannabe who runs his little game like a barking BS artist crying out for attention, controlled by the fact that he is morally bankrupt.

Perhaps the latter will now focus on being a small time bond trader, which he is. As far as his insight to the stock market, well all I can say is after 5 years of being exposed to his posts he has done an extraordinary job of hiding whatever insight he may have.

And you have a good day

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07/01/04 8:13 AM

#74340 RE: lvjack #74337

The reason you have found this board to be a useful tool is because of JimLur's control. Jim has worked very hard to maintain this forum for investors and has created one of the best boards on the internet. Every society needs rules and enforcement of those rules. He has had to work like a referee at times because of fighting. He succeeds in keeping posts on topic so we do not have to go through post after post on the irag war when investors want to understand the current situation of IDCC. If everyone would just adhere to a few simple rules Jim would not have to police this board.

1. No cursing.
2. Stay on topic during the week.
3. No fighting or attacking other posters.

I like TeeCee and his points but the rules are the rules. I want these rules maintained regardless of the individuals. That is why we have quality here and not rampant spam or profanity laced dribbe like on Yahoo. Free speech is fine but disruptive speech is not.

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07/01/04 8:20 AM

#74342 RE: lvjack #74337

lvjack; freedom yes, obscenity and personal attacks, no way. BTW, it was Ihub that jailed tc, not JimLur, and it wasn't for a lack of political correctness. JK
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The Count

07/01/04 4:39 PM

#74438 RE: lvjack #74337

Ivjack, allow me to retort

I generally try and look in on this board a couple of times a week. Historically, I have found this board to have a handful of insightful posters who know much more about this industry and life than I do. In short, I use it as a learning tool.

As an investor, I have precious little interest in the "tiffs" that I see play out in this forum. Moreover, I am amazed at the maturity (lack there of)displayed by most of the contributors. Today, was such an example.

If you have so little interest in the tiffs, why do you make your quarterly post to call for the reinstatement of the tiff master? One who insults and bullies those he disagrees with. The one who starts the pissing matches and always has to come back with a bigger insult if anyone dares reply?

Censorship is an anti-American concept. It is the response of small minded individuals unable to deal with alternative lines of thought. Political Correctness has no place on an investment bulletin board. My only concern is in gleaning information that can help me make an informed decision regarding my investment.

Censorship, in the un-American sense, is denying free speech because of the ideas presented. Suppressing speech that has no socially redeeming value and that leads to conflict or danger is part of the American legal system. Try yelling "Hi, Jack" to a friend in an airport and see how that goes over. Free speech is freedom to express ideas, not freedom to be obnoxious and belligerent. Teecee tries to shout down and belittle those who post what he thinks is wrong. He seldom debates the merits in a coherent manner – he gives terse, cryptic rebuttals wrapped in insults about the person’s character, motives or any other target he can find. Teecee wants censorship of thought, not JimLur.

Lurgio has shown repeadedly that his agenda of control must dominate at all cost. I for one am tired of this retired, holier than thou truck driver telling us whose posts we can read and whose posts are off limits. I promise you the bond trader is a helluva lot more insightful CB Jim.
JimLur’s agenda is to provide a forum for reasoned discussion of IDCC, including potential positives and negatives. His rules are very simple, stay on topic and be civil. He encouraged the banning of one poster, the infamous Once, whose contribution was to virtually scream IDCC sucks over and over to take the discussion away from IDCC and onto him. I appreciated Jim's effort and Matt for making an exception to ban Once.
Teecee makes some valuable contributions to this board, but many of his comments are written in teecee speak which makes his point difficult to understand. He also makes many, many off topic insulting posts that dilutes the content of the board and leads to the pissing matches. JimLur gets good information and checks sources and calls Janet for clarification, then reports the results. Maybe not brilliant insight, but strong and consistent due diligence. I appreciate it.

Good luck to all and may freedom once again find this board.
That’s not freedom, it’s anarchy. If you want freedom, go to the yahoo board. I haven’t read it in years because of the high volume of posts of people bashing or pumping with little content. I am very grateful to Jim for taking the time to create and monitor this board as well as making substantive posts to help me stay on top of my investment in IDCC.