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12/30/08 10:57 PM

#4657 RE: jonesieatl #4656

I sure would like to have an explanation from our CEO about a lot of stuff he said, or touted, over the years that hasn't come to pass as he said it would, or as he said it did, but one in particular would be an explanation of how the shorts have methodically and systematically covered millions of shares while the share price has cratered. It would be fun to watch the '06 (?) AGM meeting video again and listen to the CEO gloat about the "Rocket Fuel" (large short interest). Don't we deserve an explanation of how millions of short shares have been covered since then (2-3 years) without ever igniting any of that "Rocket Fuel"? They just cover more shares every month and the price craters more every month. At only $1.50/share, they could bring it down to 10 cents per share if they cover their remaining 2 million shares.. LOL

This sure turned out to be a financial disaster for at least 98% of the long shareholders. Too bad the CEO never did have that rabbit up his sleeve or a silver bullet to ignite his touted "Rocket Fuel". I sure was hoping he would pull off one last one, but now I am convinced it was all a bunch of carnie barkin.

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01/10/09 11:21 AM

#4684 RE: jonesieatl #4656

Shouldn't we be getting the next short interest report soon for the 2nd 1/2 of December, which will show likely more covering of a few 100K shares?

I sure learned a lot from their money making investment strategy, even with a company I thought it wouldn't work with. Granted TIV has always been notorious in the industry for disseminating grandiose, over-the-top and unachievable PR's, which short sellers prey on, but I sure expected that the cult of loyal, deep pocket, longs/Opus folks would gut up and step up to the plate (buy big?, change "stay the course", other things they should have done?) to prevent TIV from sliding all the way to a buck fifty and staying there. Talking about gutting up and stepping up to the plate, the shorts sure did it in a big way by shorting/selling 1.5 (?) million shares to the Russel Index funds last June, which was right in the midst of rapid fire PR's about 1,000's of BOED's TIV was supposedly producing and ~$150/barrel oil. Boy was that gutsy but in the end it sure turned out to be a brilliant, huge money making ($10 million?) move. And now come May, unless a miracle happens to "change the course", TIV will most likely get kicked off the Russel and those Index funds will unload all those shares which will be bought by the shorts to close out their positions entirely. Brilliant "biz plan", at our long expense. Bummer for us longs but I learned from it. Next time I short too! LOL

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01/13/09 8:51 PM

#4687 RE: jonesieatl #4656


Short Interest for TIV as of Trade Date 12/26/08:


Short interest was down a whopping 316,538 shares during the most recent reporting period , which covers trading from 12/11 through 12/26.

During this period TIV saw a high of $2.06 (previous period's high was $3.35) on 12/17 and a low of $1.51 (previous period's low was $1.62) on 12/18.

A lower high than in the last reporting period , and a lower low than in the last reporting period , and the shorts still covered another 13% of the short interest.

Lower highs and lower lows , and shorts covering. That's some really watered down rocket fuel. Good call suggesting TIV shareholders get their certs and stuff them under their mattresses , really good call. How far is TIV down since TIV management made THAT suggestion?

Month-----Shares Short---- % Change

Dec 2008 - 1,996,400 --- (-13.69%)
Dec 2008 - 2,312,938 ---- (-3.20%)
Nov 2008 - 2,389,300 ---- (-6.26%)
Nov 2008 - 2,548,933 ---- (-3.10%)
Oct 2008 - 2,630,394 --- (-11.09%)
Oct 2008 - 2,958,391 --- (-11.20%)
Sep 2008 - 3,331,603 ---- (-5.78%)
Sep 2008 - 3,535,801 ----- +1.85%
Aug 2008 - 3,471,407 ---- (-2.99%)
Aug 2008 - 3,578,462 ----- (-8.41%)
Jul 2008 - 3,907,211 ----- (-4.45%)
Jul 2008 - 4,089,234 ----- +59.96%
Jun 2008 - 2,556,428 ------ +9.99%
Jun 2008 - 2,324,030 ------ +1.21%
May 2008 - 2,296,132 ----- (-1.90%)
May 2008 - 2,340,630 ------ +0.86%
Apr 2008 - 2,320,625 ----- (-1.61%)
Apr 2008 - 2,358,507 ----- (-1.16%)
Mar 2008 - 2,386,251 ----- (-0.30%)
Mar 2008 - 2,393,494 ----- (-0.37%)
Feb 2008 - 2,402,283 ----- (-0.43%)
Feb 2008 - 2,412,708 ----- (-0.17%)
Jan 2008 - 2,416,782 ------ +1.88%
Jan 2008 - 2,372,266 ----- (-0.40%)
Dec 2007 - 2,381,745 ------ +0.02%
Dec 2007 - 2,381,262 ----- (-0.02%)
Nov 2007 - 2,381,837 ----- (-0.83%)
Nov 2007 - 2,401,841 ----- (-3.97%)
Oct 2007 - 2,501,137 ------ +0.71%
Oct 2007 - 2,483,500 ----- (-0.30%)
Sep 2007 - 2,490,932 ----- (-0.84%)
Sep 2007 - 2,511,943 ----- (-0.56%)
Aug 2007 - 2,526,079 ----- (-3.35%)
Jul 2007 - 2,613,736 ----- (-4.92%)
Jun 2007 - 2,749,037 ----- (-0.42%)
May 2007 - 2,760,565 ----- (-0.39%)
Apr 2007 - 2,771,400 ------ +1.82%
Mar 2007 - 2,721,853 ----- (-0.57%)
Feb 2007 - 2,737,463 ------ +1.64%
Jan 2007 - 2,693,334 ----- (-2.77%)
Dec 2006 - 2,770,185 ----- (-1.5%)
Nov 2006 - 2,811,009 ---- (-11.9%)
Oct 2006 - 3,192,293 ---- (-2.27%)
Sep 2006 - 3,266,297 ----- +0.09%
Aug 2006 - 3,263,093 ---- (-5.04%)
Jul 2006 -- 3,436,104 ---- (-17.3%)
Jun 2006 - 4,156,544 ---- +13.87%
May 2006- 3,650,143 ------ +1.83%
Apr 2006 - 3,584,379 ----- (-5.41%)
Mar 2006 - 3,789,445 ----- (-4.23%)
Feb 2006 - 3,956,897 ----- (-3.56%)
Jan 2006 - 4,102,837 ------ +3.86%
Dec 2005 - 3,950,446 ----- (-1.88%)
Nov 2005 - 4,025,937 ------ +5.01%
Oct 2005 - 3,833,789 ------ +1.39%
Sep 2005 - 3,781,376 ------ +9.56%
Aug 2005 - 3,451,421 ----- +24.25%
Jul 2005 - 2,777,900 ----- +39.66%
Jun 2005 - 1,989,039 ----- +20.65%
May 2005 - 1,648,631 ----- +40.68%
Apr 2005 - 1,171,931 ---- +113.52%
Mar 2005 --- 548,854 ----- +86.95%
Feb 2005 --- 293,590 ---- +327.46%
Jan 2005 ---- 68,682 ----- +96.67%
Dec 2004 ---- 34,923 ----- +37.38%
Nov 2004 ---- 25,421 ----- +10.40%
Oct 2004 ---- 23,027 ---- +408.66%
Sep 2004 ----- 4,527 ---- (-59.68%)
Aug 2004 ---- 11,227 ---- +132.59%
Jul 2004 ----- 4,827 ---- (-31.31%)
Jun 2004 ----- 7,027 ----- +55.22%
May 2004 ----- 4,527 ------ TWBFTS-
Apr 2004 ----- 4,527 ---- (-94.73%)
Mar 2004 ---- 85,881 ---- (-13.21%)
Feb 2004 ---- 98,951 ---- (-00.88%)
Jan 2004 ---- 99,833 ----- +00.89%
Dec 2003 ---- 98,951 ---- (-18.30%)