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12/31/08 4:17 PM

#27446 RE: flyonawall #27278

Flyonawall, to answer your questions…

I thought BLDV would be a big money maker for investors and I still have such beliefs. It’s just looking like it might take a little longer than expected. The price of a stock is usually what determines if a stock has succeeded or not although other variables need to be considered too. Since BLDV is not trading at higher levels given where it was a few months ago, it could be considered a failure (price wise) for now.

As for “why” this failure, I don’t know why although I think it will turn out to be a success eventually. Over the years, I have seen stocks move on no news for months for a variety reasons where buying behind the scenes existed leaving investors wondering what was going on. As for a naked short, none of us will ever know if a naked short exists in any stock unless we are aware of the shares held on record at the Transfer Agent (TA). Still, there is much that must be known that we shareholders are not privy to knowing to be able to confirm a naked short position from other regulatory entities too. Still, I do think that there is a chance that BLDV has been naked shorted as I believe most penny stocks have at one time or another. This should only be considered as speculative thinking since again, none of us have any way of confirming anything to be factual in nature. We would have to work for the DTC or some other regulatory agency to know every single share transacted compared to what’s officially on file at their TA for the amount of restricted and float shares.

Since I am only a shareholder here with BLDV, I have no way of “definitely” knowing if they have mismanaged any assets. As it appears, the answer to that question is still unknown while some would debate of an answer even existing. As for mismanaging the stock, I think I would have done some things differently, but maybe I would not have if I knew all of the facts behind the scenes.

Maybe Quincey and BLDV were part owners of a plant and not the majority owners yet which would explain what I was told months ago about BLDV having ownership in a plant. Or maybe Quincey was referring to only having the rights to buy the plant as what was PR-ed. Still, I don’t know? We are at a point now where Quincey needs to confirm this publicly.

As for why longs are starting to have doubts, it’s simple. It’s because of the lack of news to update the shareholders of which is needed to be news of substance. One PR with substance could turn everything around here with BLDV and I do believe that it is coming one of these days. I just don’t know when.

As for the Government of Belize, I made the phone calls and emails to them. I think everything is fine with them. I think they are simply waiting on Quincey. Ever since those negative articles a couple years ago or so stating that Quincey and BLDV had not been following through on their plans in Belize, Quincey has met with the former Prime Minister of Belize, Said Musa and the current Prime Minister of Belize, Dean Barrow. Since then, Quincey has gone to Belize to meet with the new government on numerous occasions. I have confirmed this from more than one of the Belize Government Officials.

As for the trip to try to meet with Quincey, I am still considering doing so. Also, there are other companies that I heard might be involved with BLDV through rumor that I might visit too. If I go on either trip, I will not post the date. As you can see from the accusations of you and your friends accusing me of Insider Trading on another stock, I can’t help but feel that you and your friends would be trying to set me up here with such too. I am really burnt out on all of the redundant fighting & accusations. Like I had previously posted, the SEC told me that I am fine with making these types of visits and actually wished me luck. This I confirmed over the past few years and recently just to make sure the thoughts I was told by the SEC had not changed. Review here to see that me doing this is really nothing new:

I am hoping that one day you and your friends stop trying to make this into a personal thing with me. All I had tried to do with y’all were to make peace and move forward, but y’all just seem to want different which is very apparent from past and current actions from your group. Y’all still don’t get it. This is not personal. The crusade that has been mentioned to save people from me as if I am the Boogie Man is really futile. Have you all not been paying attention to the entire market to see that many more stocks have dropped with much more dollar volume than has been placed here in BLDV or any other stock I mentioned to like? It’s not just stocks I liked or picked that had popped and dropped or simply just dropped. Look here at the stocks picked by the top 100 people on IHUB (or even go back to review the history of the top 200 people):

Something I think also you and your friends don’t understand about the market is that after a stock goes up, the only place for it to go is down. This is a natural fact that none of us can control. This is a market fundamental fact. Try testing this fact. Pick any stock in the market and monitor it after it pops. Do this within the penny stock or major markets. This is why there will always be winners and losers within the market. This is why timing is very important with entering any stock.

Heck, the market has been hard on us all last year as reflected in the major markets too. Even the pros have not had a good year in the market. So why continue all of the subtle attacks on me that is very very evident here within the BLDV forum or any forum where I might post? I still believe in BLDV and will continue. Why can’t you and friends just accept that and stop antagonizing everyone. I was debating about even answering your questions because in the past, you and your friends have shown that no matter what answers I give, none of them are good enough. Bottom line, the answers you seek needs to come from the company and not anyone within this forum. This is because I or anyone within this forum is not the one to prove the legitimacy of BLDV. That is going to have to be done by the company.

Me taking the trip will not be a mission to degrade or demote Quincey or the positive beliefs that some of us still have here with BLDV. If people were to go back to read you and your friend’s posts, they would see very apparent major attempts made to belittle Quincey and BLDV. One couldn’t help, but to wonder what your true intentions would be for this filming. I’m not saying that such would be your intentions for filming the matter, but considering the flavor from the history of your past posts, along with some of your counterparts, please understand why I would not want any parts of being part of that filming. If the trip is made, I would love for you to go though. My primary concern would be to discuss any dilution concerns as I think that such is the number one reason why most penny stocks don’t succeed. If that part is taken care of, then everything else would be secondary in my opinion which I will discuss those concerns too.

As for knowing if there has been any dilution in BLDV, please understand. Within the penny stock market especially, no matter how much you like a stock, when the Authorized Shares (AS) increase, it is almost always a sign that either some dilution has transpired or will transpire. Still, not all dilution is bad dilution, but us as shareholders need to be made known of the reasons why. So, in reality, I do not know, but I must say that with over 90% of the penny stocks failing, the odds are not in our favor. Still, I like our odds for success as the increase to 900 million is not as bad as it could have been if dilution was the primary concern for the increase. To only go to 900 million instead of some much higher amount in the billions lead me to think that the increase was for a purpose relating to substance. Still, I don’t know as I hope you understand the thoughts I have given you as a response. Bottom line, I still do believe in BLDV and I am willing to weather the storm and wait it out at this point.
