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12/22/08 10:40 AM

#48234 RE: grandetourismo #48228

Don't thank me...

I've been learning as I go here just as a lot of others have been.

Some of these guys are amazing. You'll know them by their posts... I wont name names because I don't want to slight anyone else, but we've got a good core of people here that are great at helping with dd and understanding the legalities and legal documents.

At the same time there are others that claim to be here to save you from yourself. They have nothing better to do with their time than to study WaMu and reveal the secret truths about how it's worthless.

Nobody knows how this is going to play out yet. There's just not enough available to us.

It's a gamble... make no mistake about it. But it's a gamble with decent odds and the potential for huge gains.

Just be careful about being swayed by anyone in either direction. Learn what you can and don't be afraid to ask questions.

These guys almost always help me answer mine... with links backing up their claims.

Just be careful...don't lose your house or food money here. But the reason we're hanging around and watching and putting our dollars into this is because we think the odds are in our favor.. or likely to shift to our favor soon enough.

Be safe and it's nice to meet you.

Thanks to both of you :)

Your efforts are not in vain, I am one of the newbies here looking for facts and I appreciate the information you guys put forth!

Is it too early to spike my egg nog with a little brandy now? lol