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12/12/08 1:05 PM

#151130 RE: Donnerk0 #151110

Thanks for those links Donnerk0. I'm optimistic about the Scanbuy/Marshal suit outcome.


12/23/08 4:44 PM

#151370 RE: Donnerk0 #151110

Hi Donnerk0, & All,
Yes I recognized this just a day or so after the ScaMbuy law suit came out. I was going to post it, but I forgot to do it. I guess I’m losing interest in all the “BS” that ScaMbuy continues to shovel out. It’s hard to believe these guys are for real. They don’t seem to understand their own patents let alone the Marshall Feature Recognition LLC (MFR) patent.
On page two of the MFR patent # 6,886,750, it lists the NeoMedia patents 5,978,773, 6,199,048, and 2001/0011276 a foreign patent by Durst. Maybe MFR is paying license fees to NeoMedia? Look, the 6,199,048 patent is the one that EFF is going after in the USPTO reexam. I believe this is further evidence that ScaMbuy is the one who is backing EFF, and put them up to do the reexam.

The MFR patent # 6,886,750 looks like an application similar to CueCat scanning, but mainly a user friendly scanning mouse translator, and accessing programming material for cable TV. It looks like the mouse can scan, and translate the written word, or if it sees a bar code associated to the print in a magazine it automatically audibly speaks what is written. If it is printed sheet music it plays the song. To me this is very far remote from what NeoMedia is doing.

These guys at ScaMbuy remind me of “BAGHDAD BOB” remember him, "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!", he kept announcing that they were winning the war while the bombs were exploding all around him! LOL!!
I believe that this law suit proves that Jonathan Bulkeley CEO of ScaMbuy was caught in a lie. Maybe they are all congenital liars at ScaMbuy???

BR: What about conflict to do predict a patent war?
JB: I don’t see a patent war. Neomedia has been dealt a big blow in the US. The US patent office has accepted 90% of the re-examination request. This means that its patents are changed or invalidated. Neomedia’s strong hold is like Abaxia’s claims. There is no leader and there will not be a war as all the patents are different in this area. Did you know about the patents?

One of my previous posts talked about the NeoMedia patents vs. ScaMbuy’s patents.

The ScaMbuy patents talk about how to make a 1D bar code become more readable with a low resolution cell phone camera, and that’s what their patents are about. These are subsets of NeoMedia’s patents, since NeoMedia’s patents cover a broad method of connecting the camera cell phone user to a remote URL for product information, and ScaMbuy’s patents don’t do that.

If you look at ScaMbuy’s latest patent you will notice that this is just a continuation, or more detailed explanation of their previous patents, mainly patent # 7,156,311, and they state this in the first part of their write-up in patent # 7,287,696. The diagrams are basically the same, but rearranged, and the basic write-up is the same, and they reworded the clams, but in general say the same thing.

So why didn’t ScaMbuy sue NeoMedia back in October of 2007 when there 7,287,696 patent was approved? Or why didn’t they sue in January 2007 when their 7,156,311 patent was approved????
Could it be that they now know that their devious, and sinister plot with the EFF reexam has utterly failed, and that the NeoMedia infringement law suit against them has become rock solid, and will crush their business. I believe that this is the case. There will be no mucking of the cards. Eventually they will have to lay their cards on the table for everyone to see their “BIG” bluffing hand. Oh,……………….the humiliation!!!!!

All this stuff is really funny, since I recall that a few years back Olivier Attia saying, “I don’t believe in patents”!!!

Here’s something else to think about. I think that NeoMedia patent # 6,993, 573 is the final lock-down on this camera phone reader issue, and I believe it gives them the rights to all of the reading of bar codes regarding camera cell phones, and this patent was issued on 1/31/2006, a year before ScaMbuy’s 7,156,311 patent was issued. Maybe patent 7,156,311 needs to be reexamined???

I suggest using the download for reading these links:
ScaMbuy law suit;
MFR patent;
ScaMbuy patents;
NeoMedia patents;