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Replies to #27635 on FOREX TRADERS
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12/10/08 5:39 PM

#27636 RE: daiello #27635

OT - well in your debt is good debt b/c u dont have a mortgage. If you happen to have a student loan then that would most likely be the one ta try & pay off 1st...but since u aint graduated worries in tryin ta hack away at that bill...if indeed you even have a student loan.

But I think u were only jokin anyway....think I recall u sayin you dont carry much of a bal..if at all....def do all ya can ta keep it that is King...especially in these times.

There's tons of folks out there who never even plan to pay off their cc bals...ever. In fact they open up as many accts as possible paying only the minimums in order to stay in good standing as long as possible. There was a day not too long ago when folks could actually run w/that kinda plan & they'd still continue to get offers for new cards in the mail on a weekly basis....& back then cc co's loved folks like that....but dem days are long over now...& most likely never to return...thus those are the folks who are lookin at goin into banko these days...if not already have....& why those of us in good standing are payin higher rates.

I always make sure that if I'm running a a minimum I set that card up on autopay for the minimum so if for some reason the real payment is late (or they try & tell me it was late) or somethin snafu happens...I know at least the minimum is made & thus wont give them the excuse to raise my rate to 28%....or whatever that crazy ass penalty is these days. Damn if I'm gonna go from a 6.99 to 25+% b/c I was a day late w/1 payment....that's messed up....tppphfftt!!

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12/10/08 9:18 PM

#27647 RE: daiello #27635

OT - No one should always pay the credit cards, but you can float your payment and pay just the min charges to help ride out the hard times.