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12/06/08 2:40 PM

#45426 RE: grandetourismo #45422

Things that make you go hmmm....

That article sheds light on why and how JPM was able to pull off the take over of WMU while the FED cast a blind eye.


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12/06/08 4:18 PM

#45427 RE: grandetourismo #45422

I would say, finally some of you guys are getting it. I have felt from day 1 that WaMu was brought down for a reason and here's a couple of movies that will help some of you understand just how the system is set up in such a way that would allow, say JPM to dictate to the Fed what it should or shouldn't do.

All of these entities are incestuously related. It's kind of like JPM or GS having "its men" within the Federal Reserve to do as their bidding... it runs much deeper than that, but that's a simple example of how it works.

Here are 2 videos EVERYONE that wants to understand the Federal Reserve system, and in reality.. the true nature of our so called free market system.

These aren't "conspiracy theory" flicks. They're historical fact. Both are equally mind blowing for similar, yet different reasons.

The Creature From Jekyll Island

The true nature of the Federal Reserve... and the history of it's foundation.

America: Freedom to Fascism

A classic Zinger in this one is when Aaron Russo sits down with the guy that wrote the US income tax code and asked him where in the tax code it actually states that Americans are required to pay income tax and the guy can't answer him, freaks out and storms off.

The IRS man also states that IRS decrees within the income tax code trump Supreme Court rulings, one of which stated absolutely that an income tax is illegal and unconstitution... And while never overruled, that was before the Fed was created and as such, the whole notion of the US income tax is unconstitutional.