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11/30/08 3:24 PM

#84226 RE: nobreakinsite #84225

Lookingforhelp, I think it started before the DOJ info was made public. Didn't the acceptance of the reality of the dilution, then several channeled pumps at great revelations in up coming communications or events, that then fell flat, actually start before the justice dept actions were announced? The last such disastrous event was the value empty Sunday broadcast in September.
Starting back in May, we had that terrible feeling of not knowing whether we were being diluted to death, buy back was taking place, or nss was going rampant, that continued for most of the summer. We wanted to believe the best,(#2) but in the end I think we got the wrong two. The DOJ just added another layer. I still am not convinced that the cases have legal merit, or were brought forth to serve justice in any way. Unfortunately, true legal justice is not the American way, anymore. Being on a grand jury, or a petit jury, will give a deep shake to your confidence in the outcome getting it right in our justice system. Too much is kept from the jury. If the cases are dropped, the stigma will still be there, and will continually be brought up by the negative posters on the boards, hurting the stock. I think the full intent of the charges being developed (I wanted to use FABRICATED, but resisted the urge) was to punish the CEO for not securing the funding for a large loan. Hurt the company, hurt Carol. I think this is just an example of American business ethics, and political favors at work.
IMO, only audited financials, some deals closing, reduction of the OS WITHOUT a R/S, plus much more open, and honest communication of HCPC's positions will restore the SP for us. GLTA LC


11/30/08 3:31 PM

#84227 RE: nobreakinsite #84225

I think 10 to 15 billion shares of good will would be a nice Christmas present to all of us. And it probably wouldn't cost them a cent in the end.
If the company does a rebound because of the share retirement, instead of going out of business, or wallowing at .0001 forever, the increased SP could easily make their remaining shares worth much more than the value of the retired shares.