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06/20/04 11:51 AM

#34240 RE: janice shell #34016

janice...that naked short idea may be "unproven", but there are only a few possible scenarios to explain the trading that has occurred on CMKX... a big riddle needs to be explained... the conundrum is who has been selling and who has been buying such large volumes of stock on a junior exploration company...this is a perplexing enigma that has got us all working overtime to answer...

1. IMO there are some death spiral plays that are possible using an organized attack of naked shorting by a business(es) with sufficient capital, such as a MM or Hedge Fund working alone or in combination; and, many companies have complained that this sort of attack has happened to them; lately, after the SEC tried to set new rules on short selling, there are a lot of companies delisting from Berlin, apparently because they are worried about naked shorting on the Berlin exchange after the SEC made it harder in the US; whether the selling occurs in Berlin, or Canada, or Offshore, or if some US MMs or hedge funds, or any combination of the above have been selling stock short in some orchestrated manner... without delivering shares or covering...and the clearinghouse just lets them stay short, without stock deliveries because it is profitable for the clearinghouse to lend the stock..., this is one way to explain the question: "who has been selling so much stock..."--possible answer: some or all of it is short sellers, and the rumors that the amount short is enormous could be true...but it is not proven...

2. If UC has been selling stock he "prints" in the hundereds of Billions of shares, and if there are no naked shorts contributing to this volume, then who is buying the stock...? Months ago, when this board tried to count totals held by us "investors", we could account for a few billion shares... but we have seen several 15 Billion share days lately... who buys those amounts? This question is a big problem, even if UC is not selling stock out the back door... one could imagine a big plan where different forces are trying to fake each other out, and there are a lot of sales back and forth... that cancel each other resulting in artificial volume...but I doubt that one... so it could be UC that is buying somehow, some or a large part of what is sold... or it could be some folks he is working with... but there is no proof of that either... so, if not UC or folks he works with... and not short sellers covering... then who is buying...?

3. If there are one or more players that have inside info about FLAC, such as DeBeers, that buy all the stock because they want control of CMKX... or some version that imagines a third power group that does the buying, that is not entirely satisfying either... as why would they think UC would sell enough to give them control...? UC could be a net buyer or a net seller, and we do not know for sure which... but, regardless of which he is, there is a strong suggestion from the trading volumes that there are one or more other big players, that are net buyers and/or sellers... and that the ordinary folks that show up on this board with 1 to 100 MM shares are not making much of a dent in the real battle that is going on between the big players... So, if the the real battle does not involve naked shorting, then what accounts for the trading volumes...??? Something about Fort a la Corne, perhaps...

Janice...if you think UC is ballooning the O/S to the moon, how do you explain the trading volumes that went off with no bid for months... and now how do you explain the trading in excess of 10 Billion per day... who buys...? those on this board cannot begin to account for the volumes, IMO... even if we never really "prove" what is happening... it makes an interesting riddle to work on...

I have my money on the version that says there are Naked Shorts... who may get squeezed...I don't know much about UC so I will grant that he may have been selling too... but something does not add up... and if I were UC, I would be buying, not selling... the more I think of it, the more I come to believe there are Naked shorts galore, and countervailing forces at work, in a big chess match...