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06/14/04 8:08 PM

#27465 RE: janice shell #27409

I don't remember ever being on the INOV thread ???
I bought them after I cashed out some of my QBID shares ?
Maybe you could explain why EVERYONE that I talked to got
their shares within a few days and it took Schwab MONTHS
to finally issue my shares ??? They NEVER DID give me a
GOOD REASON for burning me...they blammed it ALL on the
transfer agents !
Personally, I don't think that much is going to be done about
the Berlin exchange as long as OUR brokerages are just
as guilty as them....any crackdown on Germany will expose
to many US companies !!!
You can't PROVE anything one way or another but, if it smells
like a pile of crap and if LOOKS like a pile of crap and it
FEELS like a pile of crap when it goes through your TOES...
you shouldn't have to TASTE IT to have a good eyedeer of what
you are dealing with !
All I know is that if they had issued my shares in a timely
manner I would have recovered about 400 of the 600 I invested.
As it is's worth about 40 bucks....their fees to
sell those shares is 39.99.
They left me a PENNY !
No wonder they call them PENNY STOCKS !!!

PS..."terror wears a thin disguise !"