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10/30/08 6:16 PM

#746 RE: littlefish #744

Of course there is group think and some possibly avid readers who rarely if ever post.

Rawnoc probably influences the tiny masses more than most and knows it full well. That is what messages basically do, serve as a place to get ideas and propagate ideas.

I went both ways, I was influenced to hold off buying on the earlier messages and was influenced again to look for a buy today.

Sometimes the influence works out and sometime it does not.



10/30/08 6:17 PM

#747 RE: littlefish #744

I was waiting for somebody to say that :) Problem is that the volume during the day was still a minority -- 187k of over 600k in volume. The 187k was probably the shares that actually DID trade at the dominated ask by WEED. The other 400k+ was bidwhacking galore. Remember, this stock in September traded for under 50,000 shares some days so pointing to 187k doesn't explain the other 400k. :)

Of course it was VMC and others reading their posts and flipping out in a drooling panic.

About VMC themselves, I never claimed to be "better" than them when it comes to DD sharing. Hell, I can never find the most insignificant crap that they dig up from a filing from 2003 on some janitor taking an unapproved day off. Kudos and congrats! The investigative research they do makes me feel like an absolute nothing! I do think, however, I'm able to keep my emotions in check far far far far far better than most (that's easy), and FAR more important than finding nitpicking DD is being able to analyze its SIGNIFICANCE which I find the VMC do be incredibly poor at doing, despite their superior ability to find the most insiginficant of crap that nobody else can find.

Remember all of that garbage analysis on ZYXI digging out the most insignificant trash before they dumped 100s thousands of shares (in some cases each investor) just before a 500% runup? Where did all that nitpicking get them? NOWHERE, because they didn't have the faintest clue how to analyze it's significance and became scared to death of the irrelevant garbage "ZYNX_WB" was saying.


10/30/08 6:31 PM

#751 RE: littlefish #744

Although all of this is true, Raw will not believe it. Eventhough I said I did not sell a share yesterday, he posts the post where I'm simply asking a question and paints it in a negative light on egmi.ob which takes it totally out of context. Actions Speak louder then words and I would gather VMC was net buyer of EGMI.OB stock this week if I had to guess, but he keep thinking because we mention something negative that we rush to sell every single share we have because one person mention it. Their will be no explaining to him that probably the Majority of VMCers have the Same or more EGMI.OB today then they had before the week. But remember it's Rawnoc Conspiracy Theory VMC Bid whacking is the cause why EGMI.OB went down. Although his theory probably has no to little truth to it in this case, I can't say it doesn't sound like a good sell the way he puts it though, if you didn't know better you would think VMC were afraid of their own shadow by the end of the post. LOL.