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10/25/08 10:04 AM

#62943 RE: TJ Parker #62939

"and btw, the clothing allowance is a bit beneath most reasonable people"

a bit!!! you're too kind. $150K is three times the average yearly salary. her clothing allowance is more than half a typical house. and lets also observe that it is illegal, by mccain-feingold, to spend campaign contributions on your clothing. yeah yeah, you get around that with some loophole by adding "oh we're gonna sell them or give them to charity". bah. mccain-feingold. mccain! where have i heard that name before?"

and exactly what is Obama going to do with his columns? Eat them, feed them to the hungry, rent them to his hollywood friends for set design. Come on you pick and choose the fruit you wish to pick and expand your argument around that when the facts are staring you in the face. You give me 1, just 1 reasonable position why it is any different for spending the amount of money between the 2 on these examples. Justify it to me if you can.

SMART PEOPLE, give me a break, again do you want the list of gaffs, stupid statements by ALL of the parties and you stand on the holier than though elitist type soapbox. BS

Any politician will surround themselves with staff and advisories to fill in the holes, then take that info and process and then make a decision based on their conviction and beliefs and for the left leaning to bring up snippets and somehow be so damn smug is what really pisses me off.

You know, here you have the hollywood actors, the ICONS of intelligence making judgemental statements on Palin's IQ, not enough experience, being dumb, etc. This coming from a bunch of people that were graced with good looks, and can remember lots of words that someone else writes for them, oh yea the topper is they can cry on demand. That really qualifies them to judge another persons competence. A person with a good memory, good looks and emotion. A standard we should all strive for and listen to the opinions of, YOU BETCHA

Each side will whistle past the graveyard and try their best to belittle the other side on the very facts they seem to screw up themselves. You have yet to explain how or why the SMART Biden/Obama connection cant spell or know how many states there are? Are they dumb? And I now will ask a question that I hope you would answer HONESTLY is that if she, Palin, had made that same statements as Biden/Obama would you be giving the same answer or does your bias prevent you from being honest like most that take sides?

Just asking



10/25/08 11:55 AM

#62962 RE: TJ Parker #62939

Parker..Do you think that reporter acted like a reporter..? Or was he there looking for something to make fun try amd make himself look important at the expense of others..I find that kind of stuff disgusting..