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TJ Parker

10/25/08 10:24 AM

#62947 RE: michael03332002 #62943

"and exactly what is Obama going to do with his columns?"

non-issue. this is not addressed by mccain-feingold and your argument is merely going to lead to the conclusion that all political rallies should be held in open fields, no chairs, no cameras, no balloons. the point, that you're trying to lead away from, is that mccain-feingold campaign reform explicitly addresses the use of campaign contributions for personal wardrobe. it does not address using campaign contributions to pay for a campaign event, like a televised rally that draws 70 million viewers. $150K is cheap for a prop for a televised rally that reaches 70 million voters. $150K is extravagant for the personal wardrobe of a "hockey mom" trying to appeal to "joe 6-pack", unless she's trying to appeal to his penis, of course.

"SMART PEOPLE, give me a break, again do you want the list of gaffs, stupid statements by ALL of the parties and you stand on the holier than though elitist type soapbox."

hmm. someone was top of his class at harvard law school. someone else pays $150k for her wardrobe. who is the elistist?

gimme a break. when we interview job candidates, we look for the smartest, the best communicators. everybody misstates things sometimes. does joe biden really think "jobs" is a 3-letter word? jeez, does it matter? did dan quayle really think potato ends with an "e"? well, maybe, but does it really matter? but sarah palin won't even do a press conference. these are not equivalent.

yeah, i want someone smart to run the government. because the stupid are easily manipulated. is it just a coincidence that bin laden has gotten everything that he ever wanted from bush? (1) u.s. bases out of saudi arabia, (2) higher oil prices, (3) u.s. involved in a costly protracted war that saps our national will and treasure, (4) u.s. on the verge of financial collapse.
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TJ Parker

10/25/08 10:33 AM

#62949 RE: michael03332002 #62943

"You have yet to explain how or why the SMART Biden/Obama connection cant spell or know how many states there are? Are they dumb? And I now will ask a question that I hope you would answer HONESTLY is that if she, Palin, had made that same statements as Biden/Obama would you be giving the same answer or does your bias prevent you from being honest like most that take sides?"

palin can't tell you what newspapers she reads. she can't give a coherent answer to a question that she hasn't memorized. that's what i see. she can of course prove me and everyone else wrong by doing exactly what every other candidate - mccain, obama, biden - has done, what every nominee has done, what every vice presidential candidate in the history of this nation has done, which is to give a press conference where she actually answers the questions posed to her. she can go on "face the nation" or "meet the press". biden had done that numerous times and, despite his gaffes, shows that he has great command of facts and ideas beyond memorized talking points. all of them can do this, mccain, obama, biden. why not hockey mom?

so now she has a new plan: special needs kids. so the gov is going to go on an austerity budget under mccain and the best educated kids in the nation are gonna be the autistic and the retarded. i don't mean to sound heartless here, but really, one has to have one's priorities straight. and these are federalists. ha! what a muddled mess of policy and pander.