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10/21/08 7:55 PM

#46 RE: Tina #44

lol..well truthfully I did bring this up back when it was fair game for comments on the QA board,

then sadly got busy and just like my pc

had memory failure

but looking at today

we must have about 11 irp's with a cumulative total of about billions lol...of potentially illegal posts floating around cyberspace while the planet rockets through space at 65 thousand mph.

But while I am on the topic of this irp program, I should raise a point from yesterday, one which you seemd to conflict with.

your confliction is fine, but after thinking over rogers points, I am curious if there may be a reasonable explanation for the deferral to the current price plan

not slappin ihub in the face at all m'lady, and yes I do protest at the insinuation that folks protesting the price simply need to go and find more work, I will get to that in a second.

but if you think about it, roger made some good points....

I can attest to the very idea that perhaps roger at times doesnt raise them with the greatest of be it...

he does mean well however and he is not "strapped" for cash.

Now heres another angle many of you rich folk who seem to think $95 bucks is a "paltry" sum, perhaps have not considered.

Since coming over to the dark side that is this "profession" I have been approached by promoters big and small, damn near all of them in this paltry universe...and I must say generally they are all working enough to make use of the plan as it currently stands.

but this is not always the case, as willing as we are all to "share" the work, sometimes my dear there is not always enough to go around.

some folks only get a week here and a week there, and some of those folks don't profess to want to do this 24/7/ fact they cannot so they take on a week of it part time here and there for small sums of cash

ok so thats those folks...obviously 100$ does not fit into their weekly 300-500$ budget very well, as they might not work the rest of the month

rogers pay as you go plan not looking so trivial now is it?

now i fully...believe me understand ihubs need to make a profit

but it seems to me that in that meleee yesterday another very valuable point seemed to get lost in the foray as well

that is this

was this program not implemented to encourage ALL promoters to comply? big small rich or poor, thick in contract or not?

newbie to the biz folks too?....apart time full time

i think you get the picture...ok so enuf rambling righty whats your point?

my point is this 95$/month equates roughly to $3/day

it would suit everyone equally including ihub in my opine,,,,to simply tell the promoter to pay for his term of service at that rate

ie 60 days 180$

7 days 21$

a fidophone sort of deal

now unless I am missing something, which I do not believe I have, yknow a really good reason why that is not feasible, as I have tried to keep involved and up on this discussion from the first day it started on the QA board, then i fail to see why pay as you go is such a big deal

but of course, I might not be as old as some around here but i aint no spring chicken...and as such...a lil long in the tooth and somewhat hard of hearing and understanding the simplest of things in life

but if you or anyone can actually give me a good reason why this pay as you go idea seems to be taken so offensivley when it really seems to fit all concerned

well then i would gladly shut up about it...and i certainly would not need to be insinuated upon as being a "bad boss"
or a crying baby to effect such a withdrawal.

thank you for your positive energy and kind words....don't get me wrong Ill be the first to trade fu's and cut knuckles when folks get unreasonably unruly and such, which is why i walked away yesterday quietly

but i really dont see the need for such reprisals and incantations, and generally prefer to buy folks a drink and discuss things like gentlewomen before the gloves hit the floor, and someones plumbers crack has to get exposed whilst tussling with the rubes. lol

and is tight, for some tighter than others right now..paying for something your not using is not really a great plan for pocketbooks or encouraging folks who need to come out of the undisclaimed closet.

now think that over and perhaps go forth and use your womanly charms for the little guy and in search of peace and common sense, and rub up against matthew a spell, maybe he will take rogers good idea seriously..he aint no dummy yknow

nice to see thaT one of yours run today btw


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