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10/13/08 11:16 AM

#1311 RE: A44975 #1310

I invested $100 bucks like two years ago now worth $9.50 that what a GREAT investment! Thanks CANADA!


Greg G

10/13/08 1:01 PM

#1312 RE: A44975 #1310


Good question, but I do not know the answer. Bruce won't talk to me anymore, probably due to my affiliation with the iHub PPTL board. I told him I was Moderating the Board a number of months ago and that was the information kiss of death…he won’t talk to me and won’t answer my e-mails. I used to think he was just holding his cards close to his chest, not wanting to spoil any impending deal, now I just think he is a few cards short of a full deck! It's hard to believe that he has made no progress in 12 months, I mean none! I can't believe that he cares so little for the shareholders as to not provide at least a bi-monthly update. The guy told Kim a few months back that they were going to hire a Investor Relations Company, who'd did they hire, Jimmy Hoffa?

Why doesn't someone call Bruce and ask him if PPTL has any revenue stream other than selling stock? It would be interesting to see if any money is coming in. If there is revenue it would nice to know how much. If there is no monies coming in then I can't figure out what Bruce is living on as there is not enough stock being sold, at these price levels, to make a living.
