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10/03/08 9:26 PM

#171593 RE: Countryboy #171592

From storage visions site:

Some of Our Sponsors

Dr. Tom Coughlin is the Distinguished Author of the New Book "Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics" and the Founder and Chairman of the Storage Visions™ Conferences.

Home Storage Virtualization

•Things won’t look like they do now
•Everything will be connected
•Content and storage will be shared and there will be many copies—storage is cheap and capacities are large
•Content is managed, indexed and automatically backed up

The Storage Visions™ 2009 Conference Theme:


Don't go to the 2009 CES until you know about the convergence of technologies that are revolutionizing the creation of digital content, its distribution and consumer electronics. The pre-CES 2009 Storage Visions Conference brings together technologists, vendors, retailers and users to explore the pod-, web-, life-casting consumer revolution and how you will preserve, protect, and search your life on Digital Storage. Conference sessions explore key infrastructure supporting the growth of richer media experiences including storage technologies, privacy protection, power creation and management, search and indexing technologies, home and mobile storage, next generation user needs and business opportunities.

Join CEO's, industry leaders, manufacturers, and end users at Storage Visions 2009, where Digital Storage converges with Content Creation, Delivery and Reception. The Storage VisionsTM 2009 Conference gives you a preview of the latest storage trends in a relaxed and informative environment. Meet the folks that matter in the entertainment value chain and find out how current and coming trends can benefit your company

What industry leaders say...

"The Conference paid for itself 5 times over!" —David Kreft, NSA

“Storage Visions is a great opportunity to hear from industry leaders on market trends, speak with customers about their needs, and meet potential partners for targeted solutions, all in a setting that fosters one on one business conversations. We were delighted with Storage Visions 2008 and look forward to Storage Visions 2009.”
— Dean Neumann, Director, Product Marketing, Bycast Inc.

"Storage Visions brought together key decision makers in storage, computing and IT and offered a number of valuable and timely presentations. Armed with knowledge from the sessions and the many great demo's and exhibits, attendees can return to their organizations to investigate and deploy effective storage solutions."
— Brian Berger, Chair, Trusted Computing Group, Marketing Work Group and Executive Vice President, Wave Systems.

“Across the show floor, attendees can see the increasing array of consumer electronics products that incorporate digital storage. Storage Visions will help our attendees and the consumer electronics industry at large better understand and take advantage of this trend and the overall content value chain”
—Gary Shapiro, President and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association

"Storage Visions is the only conference that brings together consumer electronics companies, storage technology and system suppliers, content creation companies, system integrators and VAR's, and market analysts to explore and create tomorrow's visions of the role of digital storage in entertainment."
—Pat O’Malley, Seagate Senior Vice President of Consumer Electronics Business Development

“Storage Visions is a valuable source of information on current status and future trends in magnetic and optical storage, and on applications that harness (and will harness) storage capabilities. I make it a point to attend each year while I'm in Las Vegas for CES."
—Brian Dipert, Senior Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Multimedia, PC's and Peripherals, Electronic Design News (EDN)