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09/26/08 10:59 AM

#8477 RE: thistime #8476

Figure it out yourself. If we continue to go down .0015 to .0030 points a day,it will not take long for the MM,s to get this down to ridiculous levels. Sure,this makes a good buying opportunity,but it is a long way back up and we have many investors that have bought at the .03 to .05 and higher levels. There was a suggestion made last nite at the CC that we should all put in buy orders for a nominal amount of shares at a price above the current trading range and see if we can change the tide. 10,000 shares each at say.025 amounts to only $250. IF WE CAN GET SAY AT LEAST 15 OF US TO DO THIS ,IT MAY BE WORTH THE EFFORT. OR WE CAN REDUCE THE SHARE PURCHASE TO 5,000 SHARES. EACH. This is a suggestion and we have to be sure we are not seen as joining forces to do something. I would appreciate comments from any and all. The key here is to see if the MM,s honour our bids to buy at tyhe higher price.I see no reason why an investor can not pay what he wants to for shares.
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09/26/08 11:00 AM

#8478 RE: thistime #8476

I'll buy that. This constant downtrend is starting to get old! I'm not sure that Rob has much control over the short term share price? If this is allowed to drop back below a penny it will be very difficult to climb back out a second time. So how do we go about reversing the trend?
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09/26/08 11:10 AM

#8479 RE: thistime #8476

Junior miners go through these stages! This is nothing new! We are not in production yet and stock prices will be volatile until we do. It is a great opportunity for hedge funds to take advantage of the situation. Not to say that Washington’s attention is else where because I do believe that naked short selling is going to be an addendum to legislation past here for stocks in general as this is part of the outcry of the American public… but until it is there is no law as of yet is against shorting this stock as any other non-financial institution. There are A LOT of novice investors heavily in GSPG or I should say were invested and part of the plan of the manipulation is to shake-weak-hands so to speak. And they are doing just that! Until production or some really really concrete news of production beginning comes across the wire (or news or a buyout) we should expect things to get worst before they get better which brings me to the most important aspect to investing in junior mining companies….if you have truly done your DD in GSPG as I have then continue to invest. Consider these dips as opportunities to increase profits when productions do produce the kind of earnings report we know the company is capable of. Then as we all know things will get better regardless of the price of gold as regardless of what the charts/analysis may believe we are SO UNDERVALUED and OVERSOLD!