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09/19/08 7:46 PM

#23211 RE: coaldollars #23210

Coal all this focus on shorting is great long overdue. Market makers and brokers are the ones who have to stop enabling nss and defaults. They need to force covering in 3 days or face big fines if they do it to often. Cox head of Sec should be held accountable. He should have been doing this years ago not forced to now. Sec as been asleep for too long on shorting abuse of all markets. Now that whats been going on unchecked in OTCBB and pinks got into NASDAQ, Amex and NTSE its getting attention. Overstock .com ceo has testified years ago in congressional hearings on naked shorting and proved how his company o/s vs float out there in all accounts was many times what they issued. Its been on default for so long. They even finally had to file suit against all the major brokers. Yet Sec did nothing. Never fails when it becomes a political issue now we get action. Same as before Sarbanes Oxley act of 2002. Sec did nothing it took Spitzer when he was atty gen of NY to drive changes and getting brokers to clean it up. Sec should be held accountable for doing so little for years. Even with SHO letting crooks go with grandfather clause. Now is the time write you congressmen and senators to stop nss in all markets.
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09/19/08 8:09 PM

#23212 RE: coaldollars #23210

COAL was that strictly for BIHC or was it a message regarding the new regulations?

Do you think they were telling you there is a large short position on BIHC