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09/18/08 11:52 PM

#23073 RE: Welcome2Pinkyland #23070

Yeah it can all be worked out in time. My only real fear at this time is YA. If they run into problems like some of the other hedge fund/financial institutes, they may start grabbing at all the little companies that they own a piece of, especially if some of those companies go under and they can't collect.

"This has been the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. There is no question about it," said Mark Gertler, a New York University economist who worked with fellow academic Ben Bernanke, now the Federal Reserve chairman, to explain how financial turmoil can infect the overall economy. "But at the same time we have the policy mechanisms in place fighting it, which is something we didn't have during the Great Depression."

Hey, it's only money. Won't see me jumping out of any windows(higher than 3 feet anyway) GLTA

Wooden Indian

09/19/08 1:09 PM

#23084 RE: Welcome2Pinkyland #23070



09/20/08 3:03 PM

#23100 RE: Welcome2Pinkyland #23070

AWYI . 0015 - review

Company website:

quarterly report posted thursday-

the following is my take on the report:


debt to Yorkville Advisors
debt to Montgomery Equity
debt to private Individuals
debt to Syrei
debt to Lime Truck

nobody likes debt, but it's not necessarily the end of the world. The debt will continue to need to be managed and refinanced into better terms asap. We all know it takes money to make money.

share structure

a/s 2 bil
outstanding shares 651,983,983
preferred stock - unlimited
float of approximately 290,000,000 shares
'blank check' restricted

the o/s and the float are not the worst I have ever seen for a stock trading @ .001, however the share structure could spiral out of control if awyi converts debt to shares.
recently Yorkville Advisors converted approximately 50 million shares @ .0014/.0012

the business

Nine months ended June 30, 2008 (Thousands)

Mobile Advertising - Int’l Consulting

Revenue $5,177
Cost of revenue 3,795
Gross Margin 1,382

the businesses are making money, but corporate expenses are eating up all the profit.


multiple acquisitions are in the pipe line

in summary
awyi debt and share structure is manageable but could mushroom out of control
the debt should be restructured
awyi acquisition strategy is a good one and should continue if able
the pps is .001 and is undervalued - based on future revenue potential

estimated price per share valuation for 2008

6,902,700.00 yearly revenue -syrie & lime truck - will increase with more acquisitions

26% gross profit

1,794,702.00 profit per year

651,983,983 outstanding shares

$0.0275 pps @ 10x -