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09/14/08 10:14 PM

#148678 RE: JPetroInc #148677

A VP is a VP.

There are lots of VP's of this and that at lots of public companies, and every one of them file their trades. I've been in one for years that has 6 VP's , representing various departments , and all file. I imagine Terry thinks more of her status as VP of Marketing than a peppermint. Simply stated , your comments don't stand up to the test of reality.

I stand by my comments on any unpublished knowledge of whether or not NeoMedia has replaced Scott Womble being material information. It's material information and shouldn't be disclosed to individual shareholders. Thanks for letting us know the sieve still leaks , it makes the company look bad and represents an ongoing problem and an ongoing mindset of willfully flaunting SEC rules. It certainly justifies my continued efforts in the area of bringing any miscreants , past and present , to justice. With all the comments about having the SEC look into various aspects of NeoMedia , I should think it might be better to leave out those kinds of conversations , rather than mentioning them in an effort to seem more 'plugged in'. Certainly past efforts to seem 'plugged in' to the manholes have ended disastrously , there must have been broken toes from kicking so much unrelated fiber , and with 90% of the claims turning out to be completely bogus .... enough already.

Conveniently address anything you like.

Spell check doesn't catch words like whoose , which would seem to be a misspelling of whose ... when in fact, the correct word would have been who's , a contraction of 'who is'. You make a far bigger deal out of it than I did lol , but literacy still applies , not typos.

Y'all have a good Monday. Hopefully NeoMedia has something legitimate to say in their one-way 'CC' later this week.
