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09/10/08 11:22 PM

#17149 RE: americano #17148


Here is my email:

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Hello again sir!

From: <>
Date: Wed, September 03, 2008 7:26 pm

Hello sir, first and foremost I hope all is well with you and yours as well as everyone at PINR! I only have a few quick questions I said I would ask you for those on IHUB if you don't mind please.

1.) I know its in the plans to sell Serve N when it gets built up. The suggestion/question is basically a "when" type of thing? would it be this year, or after you build it up more? As in probably mid to next year sometime?

2.) the dreaded dilution question. We have a ton of ney sayers on ihub that completely hurt a companies image when they talk about dilution happening especially when its not. The simple question is this, have you or the company sold or been selling any shares lately? has the share structure changed?

3.) Red cross. We know about the miss hap if you will with red cross, the question is our goal of 500 by Nov. that might be a tad high now or is it? is that still a goal by year end or so? Is everything back on track with RC and can we expect the store numbers to grow much faster very soon.... (nice by the way, we seen three more added today alone)

4.) and again back to ney sayers, can you reply on a R/S or potential of one? last we wrote you explained one was not needed nor necessary nor was one going to happen anytime soon, is this still true? I REALLY appreciate your time, efforts, and quick response back. the majority are impressed with the company and its crew (self very much so included), the pps will work itself out in time. Thanks again for everything sir!


His reply this morning:

RE: Hello again sir!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 1:54 PM
From: "" <>Add sender to Contacts To: jtcyclone101@yahoo.comJ


Thanks for your email, especially your good wishes. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.

Our plan, and it's aggressive, is to begin the process of taking SN to market after the first of the year. To maximize the sale we need to hit our target revenues of 3 million in the last 4 months of this year. It's anybody's guess how long it will take to actually see the sale go through, but we are hopeful to have everything completed by the middle of next year.

The share structure has not changed. We authorized a billion shares and that is what is out there. there may be another 25 million or so that remains but that would have little or no impact. Regarding your last question on a r/s. I do not want to do a reverse split.

Pink Sheet companies often have the reputation of pumping and dumping their stock, primarily to enrich the owners. Investors are, justifiably, doubtful at best, and outright distrustful, at worst towards pink sheet companies and their stock selling practices. PINR, in my opinion, is not your typical pink. PINR has between around 40 employees, assets and real revenues. Just saying it is not going to change many investors minds, however, and I understand that. I will say that the funds that have been raised have been put to use in the various Pine Ridge Holdings companies. I, personally

Our goal regarding SN stores remains at least 500 by November 1st. Most of the work to get there is being done by the IC's that have been hired and by my staff and our email campaign. Some of the IC's are PINR investors, by the way. As you mentioned, we are addig stores nearly everyday. The Red Cross debacle was frustrating but we have shifted to Star 88.3 and concentrating our efforts on assisting them with their campaign. You have probably seen the press release from Tuesday outlining our plans there. In addition, Andrew Maley will begin the education process in earnest for all of the stores to assist them in maximizng their stores as we near the holiday season.

I have tried to be open with you in my answers above. I hope it helps.


should be interesting over the next few months, play it acordingly & GL 2 ALL