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04/02/02 8:50 AM

#3179 RE: Mattu #3175

Pardon me, Matt, but what is a "swamper". In the old days, when folks had to work for a living, a "swamper" was a man you picked up to help unload your truck. I have no idea what a "swamper" is in the context of: "... was behind several dirty tricks surrounding the swampers."

Could you let me know?

Or, is it just not THAT important?


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04/02/02 10:29 AM

#3180 RE: Mattu #3175

Ok Matt...

As I stated earlier I did not know the entire scope of this event. Just what I could piece together through the boards, And of course what private e-mails OLA shared at the swamp.(dissemination of PM should be Jail offence)

It seems to me that Ola was being punished for his abusive personality. That is censorship. Laugh all you want but it is what it is. You graciously allowing them to plea for leniency is nice yes. Separate you from other web management of course. Butt still does not detract from the fact that you are censoring with some cool out time… No cuffs no listing as a prisoner it seems you are using the honor system with Ola.

If indeed he broke TOS like he did a year ago guessing passwords then throw the book at the bum. As for extremely harsh words...Ola used to refer to me as a child molester because of my religion. Yes at first it really pissed me off but when I started thinking about the comparison I found those words to be as enlightening as Hegel’s Religion the Opiate of the masses. The key is to disassociate you personally from the words and extract the meaning. I mean hey both religion and child molesters have the same motto...get them while their young!

As of now I guess he’s on a boat somewhere wont be back for a couple weeks to months. He mentioned at the Corner bar he was looking for work. When all is said and your whiners complained about nothing much really.

And just to make myself perfectly clear, I never condoned his behavior I just feel everybody has the inalienable right to be an asshole.. I assume that is why you tolerate Joe Money and probably myself. If other assholes go around complaining about the smell, then they are infringing on my right to be an asshole should I so decide to be one. That is not right.

Hey I said if YOU personally feel he deserves to be here then You the man, and so be it.

As for the swamp don’t think I was speaking for them. I did write that post was my opinion. The only thing about them I will say for sure is that the battle between the swampers and management that censors AltaVista/Lycos has been many.

BTW Matt…Your hands on so to speak is the reason why I stayed when the rest of the exodus took place. Beta testing and poster numbers is what drove most away not ola or censorship. Freedom to be an asshole should never be infringed.

Long live the smell.

Paule is Walnuts