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04/02/02 10:36 AM

#3181 RE: Paule #3180

To all these people whom I have called names and offended…Matt never gave names just said that he received a ton of e-mail from many members..(Paraphrased)

So if you did or did not send those e-mails to Matt does not concern me. If you did then fine you deal with yourself. If you didn’t and acted like a free American then pat yourself on the back.. Either way QUIT SENDING ME PRIVATE EMAIL DECLAIRING YOUR INNOCENCE IT MAKES YOU ALL LOOK GUILTY!

I will accept PM containing pretty girls cars or beautiful mountain scenery however. I just bought a nice 5-1 and can now scan pictures of Oregon right back at ya.

Paule is Walnuts


04/02/02 11:03 AM

#3185 RE: Paule #3180

It seems to me that Ola was being punished for his abusive personality. That is censorship. Laugh
all you want but it is what it is.

I think we have an issue of definitions.

Let me try to clarify the definitions.

Tell me which of the following you consider to be censorship.

++ you invite a friend over to your house for a bar-b-que. He starts openly insulting your wife and daughters, using vile language. You ask him to stop. Is that censorship?

++ he doesn't stop. You then ask him to leave and take his comments somewhere else. Is that censorship?

++ an ex boyfriend keeps calling his ex-girlfriend and harassing her. She changes her number, but he manages to get the new number. She goes to court and gets a protection order so if he calls her again he will be arrested and his butt tossed in jail. Is that censorship?

++ a man walks in to the middle of an Easter service and starts screaming at the top of his lungs about the evils of the Catholic Church and pedophilia and the wrongs of the church's position on abortion and continues screaming and completely disrupting the service. He is asked to leave. Is this censorship?

++ he refuses to leave. The police are called and escort him out. Is this censorship?
I'll just start with those.

The term censorship is a loaded term, as we all know, but it may help unload it if we can come to some agreement on what is and what is not included in the definition.

The cheaper the paper, the more important the information. Peter Lynch.


04/02/02 11:07 AM

#3186 RE: Paule #3180

The code of conduct here at Ihub is very simple. Discuss intelligently and in a cival manner. If I say that I disagree with your opinion, that is perfectly acceptable. If I say that I disagree with your opinion and your opinion makes you an idiot, I have crossed the line. We are adults, not children. There is no need for a playground atmosphere. I posted publicly to ola that the points he was making were o.k. but his need to add name calling at the end of his posts were not. He persisted and ended up in jail. Ihub doesn't and should never tolerate an abusive poster. If you go back you will see that off the wall opinions do not get one put in jail. Abusive behavior does. Ask MMMary or Joemoney. As I said before, the rules here are very simple to understand and they have not changed much since I became a member. Give respect and you get respect. Period.
