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Replies to #101 on Bow Hunting
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09/04/08 1:51 PM

#102 RE: MossyOak #101

shell corn is a favorite. they can be alot of fun with a bow. but if you want to reduce the reduce the population, you might want to consider a rifle. hogs are smart, and if they are relatively tame(not shot at day and night) you will probably get a few fairly easy kills with a bow. but they will wise up on that bigtime and sooner than later if they are in groups most of the time.
the best way to get past that if possible is just to only shoot lone hogs when you see them, not in a group. then its like it never happened. :-)

just my opinion.
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09/04/08 3:00 PM

#108 RE: MossyOak #101

"1,200 acres in east Texas" "hog problems" !!! Sign me up for the hunt! LOL
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09/05/08 12:28 AM

#109 RE: MossyOak #101

LOL - look for a path bait them with a trash bag, regular stinky household garbage -

sit up in the tree and wait -

the ultra rare rising minisub pattern
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09/06/08 12:11 AM

#113 RE: MossyOak #101

WARNING: link may be considered GRAPHIC

The heart, lung, and spinal cord anatomy of the feral hog is widely misunderstood.
This article deals with the anatomy of the wild boar. GRAPHIC PHOTOS are used to illustrate the location of the heart, lungs, and spinal cord so hunters can better understand the proper KILL ZONE area.

It is widely understood or rather miss understood that a wild boar is some sort of super armored beast that is almost impossible to kill. Amazing campfire stories are told and repeated of how well placed shots on the beast fail to bring them down. It's not that the animals are so tough, rather, the kill zone is so small!
YEAH YEAH YATTA YATTA,, I know about the ARMOR PLATE,, GET OVER IT,, it aint bullet proof! The so-called ARMOR SHIELD is tough and it can be thick, but despite the ol-wives-tails it is easily penetrated by both bullet and proper broad-head. A .22 Rimfire will consistently penetrate through a 2 inch thick shield of a wild boar. I tested it OVER AND OVER AND OVER,, SO,, all those stories of bullets bouncing off a hog is just bunk. I have killed many large boar with small .224 caliber through the shoulder area,, although I DO NOT recommend the average hunter try it!!

I have seen artistic drawings of HOG ANATOMY and not once have they been correct. At best they were terribly misleading.

The photos below will reveal in GRAPHIC DETAIL, the exact location of the VITALS and will illustrate how small the heart/lung cavity actually is. Also it will illustrate the location of the spine which runs MUCH LOWER through the shoulder section than many hunters may realize!
I also want to point out how far forward the PUANCH or the STOMACH and INTESTINES are actually located. TAKE A CLOSE look at the final photo! You can see the Paunch is all the way up to the lower shoulder and actually rests against the heart. So the popular belief of placing a shot "BEHIND THE SHOULDER" will generally do nothing more than rupture intestines and liver. This shot will leave a mortally wounded hog running for hundreds of yards. The blood trail will usually end at around 100 yards as the entry wound plugs up. Although the hog will die, they are rarely recovered. Then another story is born of the BULLET PROOF beast. FACT REMAINS,, and decent caliber with a decent load placed in the heart, lung, or spinal column will dispatch the biggest boar in very short order. The TRICK is knowing the PROPER KILL ZONE of the wild boar.

Please keep in mind the photos bellow are of a dead hog laying on a flat surface. It makes the top front leg appear to be more forward than it really is,, as if it were slightly quartering away.