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08/19/08 11:02 PM

#1220 RE: Buddhasib #1214

" did we get crushed again today? any thoughts?..."

sellers buddy, sellers...

WDCO and NITE have now lowered their asks to the .039s which means, .03's will be the trading range here if not lower for some time to come unless theres a catalyst or something drastically changes, imo..

its truly pathetic whats going on here, imo...

either it's the COMPLETE most obvious of scams, which is more than likely the case or there is some craZy garbage the company is currently working through...

so far feeling a BIG F*$%&*@G joke going on here right now though... thank god i threw next to nothing at this dawg when i did... phew.. what a POS though, no?..

some people just don't know how to run programs... and so far it doesn't look like these guys know what they're doing...

& as for a bottom, don't think they will want to see it go below .01 but who knows... i could roll it down there tomorrow with only a cpl hun out of my pocket... but lets just see what they are going to do.. absolute Friggin amateurs imo...