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07/19/08 7:44 PM

#31180 RE: Bullwinkle #31179

The Crisis Is Upon Us

By: Dr. Ron Paul, U.S. Congressman

-- Posted Sunday, 20 July 2008 | Digg This ArticleDigg It! | Source:

I have, for the past 35 years, expressed my grave concern for the future of America. The course we have taken over the past century has threatened our liberties, security and prosperity. In spite of these long-held concerns, I have days – growing more frequent all the time – when I'm convinced the time is now upon us that some Big Events are about to occur. These fast-approaching events will not go unnoticed. They will affect all of us. They will not be limited to just some areas of our country. The world economy and political system will share in the chaos about to be unleashed.

Though the world has long suffered from the senselessness of wars that should have been avoided, my greatest fear is that the course on which we find ourselves will bring even greater conflict and economic suffering to the innocent people of the world – unless we quickly change our ways.

America, with her traditions of free markets and property rights, led the way toward great wealth and progress throughout the world as well as at home. Since we have lost our confidence in the principles of liberty, self-reliance, hard work and frugality, and instead took on empire building, financed through inflation and debt, all this has changed. This is indeed frightening and an historic event.

The problem we face is not new in history. Authoritarianism has been around a long time. For centuries, inflation and debt have been used by tyrants to hold power, promote aggression, and provide “bread and circuses” for the people. The notion that a country can afford “guns and butter” with no significant penalty existed even before the 1960s when it became a popular slogan. It was then, though, we were told the Vietnam War and the massive expansion of the welfare state were not problems. The seventies proved that assumption wrong.

Today things are different from even ancient times or the 1970s. There is something to the argument that we are now a global economy. The world has more people and is more integrated due to modern technology, communications, and travel. If modern technology had been used to promote the ideas of liberty, free markets, sound money and trade, it would have ushered in a new golden age – a globalism we could accept.

Instead, the wealth and freedom we now enjoy are shrinking and rest upon a fragile philosophic infrastructure. It is not unlike the levies and bridges in our own country that our system of war and welfare has caused us to ignore.

I'm fearful that my concerns have been legitimate and things may even be worse than I first thought. They are now at our doorstep. Time is short for making a course correction before this grand experiment in liberty goes into deep hibernation.

There are reasons to believe this coming crisis is different and bigger than any the world has ever experienced. Instead of using globalism in a positive fashion, it's been used to globalize all of the mistakes of the politicians, bureaucrats and central bankers.

Being an unchallenged sole superpower was never accepted by us with a sense of humility and respect. Our arrogance and aggressiveness have been used to promote a world empire backed by the most powerful army of history. This type of globalist intervention creates problems for all citizens of the world and fails to contribute to the well-being of the world's populations. Just think how our personal liberties have been trashed here at home in the last decade.

The financial crisis, still in its early stages, is apparent to everyone: gasoline prices over $4 a gallon; skyrocketing education and medical-care costs; the collapse of the housing bubble; the bursting of the NASDAQ bubble; stock markets plunging; unemployment rising; massive underemployment; excessive government debt; and unmanageable personal debt. Little doubt exists as to whether we'll get stagflation. The question that will soon be asked is: When will the stagflation become an inflationary depression?

There are various reasons that the world economy has been globalized and the problems we face are worldwide. We cannot understand what we're facing without understanding fiat money and the long-developing dollar bubble.

There were several stages. From the inception of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 to 1933, the Central Bank established itself as the official dollar manager. By 1933, Americans could no longer own gold, thus removing restraint on the Federal Reserve to inflate for war and welfare.

By 1945, further restraints were removed by creating the Bretton-Woods Monetary System making the dollar the reserve currency of the world. This system lasted up until 1971. During the period between 1945 and 1971, some restraints on the Fed remained in place. Foreigners, but not Americans, could convert dollars to gold at $35 an ounce. Due to the excessive dollars being created, that system came to an end in 1971.

It's the post Bretton-Woods system that was responsible for globalizing inflation and markets and for generating a gigantic worldwide dollar bubble. That bubble is now bursting, and we're seeing what it's like to suffer the consequences of the many previous economic errors.

Ironically in these past 35 years, we have benefited from this very flawed system. Because the world accepted dollars as if they were gold, we only had to counterfeit more dollars, spend them overseas (indirectly encouraging our jobs to go overseas as well) and enjoy unearned prosperity. Those who took our dollars and gave us goods and services were only too anxious to loan those dollars back to us. This allowed us to export our inflation and delay the consequences we now are starting to see.

But it was never destined to last, and now we have to pay the piper. Our huge foreign debt must be paid or liquidated. Our entitlements are coming due just as the world has become more reluctant to hold dollars. The consequence of that decision is price inflation in this country – and that's what we are witnessing today. Already price inflation overseas is even higher than here at home as a consequence of foreign central banks' willingness to monetize our debt.

Printing dollars over long periods of time may not immediately push prices up – yet in time it always does. Now we're seeing catch-up for past inflating of the monetary supply. As bad as it is today with $4 a gallon gasoline, this is just the beginning. It's a gross distraction to hound away at “drill, drill, drill” as a solution to the dollar crisis and high gasoline prices. It's okay to let the market increase supplies and drill, but that issue is a gross distraction from the sins of deficits and Federal Reserve monetary shenanigans.

This bubble is different and bigger for another reason. The central banks of the world secretly collude to centrally plan the world economy. I'm convinced that agreements among central banks to “monetize” U.S. debt these past 15 years have existed, although secretly and out of the reach of any oversight of anyone – especially the U.S. Congress that doesn't care, or just flat doesn't understand. As this “gift” to us comes to an end, our problems worsen. The central banks and the various governments are very powerful, but eventually the markets overwhelm them when the people who get stuck holding the bag (of bad dollars) catch on and spend the dollars into the economy with emotional zeal, thus igniting inflationary fever.

This time – since there are so many dollars and so many countries involved – the Fed has been able to “paper” over every approaching crisis for the past 15 years, especially with Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, which has allowed the bubble to become history's greatest.

The mistakes made with excessive credit at artificially low rates are huge, and the market is demanding a correction. This involves excessive debt, misdirected investments, over-investments, and all the other problems caused by the government when spending the money they should never have had. Foreign militarism, welfare handouts and $80 trillion entitlement promises are all coming to an end. We don't have the money or the wealth-creating capacity to catch up and care for all the needs that now exist because we rejected the market economy, sound money, self-reliance and the principles of liberty.

Since the correction of all this misallocation of resources is necessary and must come, one can look for some good that may come as this “Big Event” unfolds.

There are two choices that people can make. The one choice that is unavailable to us is to limp along with the status quo and prop up the system with more debt, inflation and lies. That won't happen.

One of the two choices, and the one chosen so often by government in the past is that of rejecting the principles of liberty and resorting to even bigger and more authoritarian government. Some argue that giving dictatorial powers to the President, just as we have allowed him to run the American empire, is what we should do. That's the great danger, and in this post-911 atmosphere, too many Americans are seeking safety over freedom. We have already lost too many of our personal liberties. Real fear of economic collapse could prompt central planners to act to such a degree that the New Deal of the 30's might look like Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.

The more the government is allowed to do in taking over and running the economy, the deeper the depression gets and the longer it lasts. That was the story of the 30s and the early 40s, and the same mistakes are likely to be made again if we do not wake up.

But the good news is that it need not be so bad if we do the right thing. I saw “Something Big” happening in the past 18 months on the campaign trail. I was encouraged that we are capable of waking up and doing the right thing. I have literally met thousands of high school and college kids who are quite willing to accept the challenge and responsibility of a free society and reject the cradle-to-grave welfare that is promised them by so many do-good politicians.

If more hear the message of liberty, more will join in this effort. The failure of our foreign policy, welfare system, and monetary policies and virtually all government solutions are so readily apparent, it doesn't take that much convincing. But the positive message of how freedom works and why it's possible is what is urgently needed.

One of the best parts of accepting self-reliance in a free society is that true personal satisfaction with one's own life can be achieved. This doesn't happen when the government assumes the role of guardian, parent or provider, because it eliminates a sense of pride. But the real problem is the government can't provide the safety and economic security that it claims. The so-called good that government claims it can deliver is always achieved at the expense of someone else's freedom. It's a failed system and the young people know it.

Restoring a free society doesn't eliminate the need to get our house in order and to pay for the extravagant spending. But the pain would not be long-lasting if we did the right things, and best of all the empire would have to end for financial reasons. Our wars would stop, the attack on civil liberties would cease, and prosperity would return. The choices are clear: it shouldn't be difficult, but the big event now unfolding gives us a great opportunity to reverse the tide and resume the truly great American Revolution started in 1776. Opportunity knocks in spite of the urgency and the dangers we face.

Let's make “Something Big Is Happening” be the discovery that freedom works and is popular and the big economic and political event we're witnessing is a blessing in disguise.

July 19, 2008


07/26/08 2:43 AM

#31275 RE: Bullwinkle #31179

•• Earnings Calendar for the Week Ahead ••

B = Before-Market Hours
D = During-Market Hours
A = After-Market Hours

   Company Name        Symbol       Date  Time    Estimate  YrAgo 
Alliance Holdings Gp LpAHGP 7/28 B 0.35 0.40
American Safety Ins HldASI 7/28 B 0.52 0.66
Analysts Intl Corp ANLY 7/28 B n/a -0.03
Angiotech PharmaceuticaANPI 7/28 B -0.02 0.06
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya ArBBV 7/28 B n/a 0.54
Banco Latinoamericano DBLX 7/28 B 0.53 0.74
Boardwalk Pipeline PartBWP 7/28 B 0.35 0.42
Cal Maine Foods Inc CALM 7/28 B n/a 0.77
Ch Energy Group Inc CHG 7/28 B 0.30 0.33
Cna Finl Corp CNA 7/28 B 0.93 1.17
Ducommun Inc Del DCO 7/28 B 0.51 0.44
Fomento Economico MexicFMX 7/28 B 0.64 0.58
Hdfc Bank Ltd HDB 7/28 B n/a 0.74
Heartland Finl Usa Inc HTLF 7/28 B 0.35 0.37
Kraft Foods Inc KFT 7/28 B 0.50 0.50
Loews Corp L 7/28 B 1.14 1.11
Metavante Technologies MV 7/28 B 0.34 n/a
Old Natl Bancorp Ind ONB 7/28 B 0.29 0.30
Par Technology Corp PTC 7/28 B 0.02 -0.07
Provident Finl Hldgs InPROV 7/28 B 0.15 0.32
Provident New York BancPBNY 7/28 B 0.15 0.13
Scopus Video Networks LSCOP 7/28 B 0.02 -0.05
Simon Ppty Group Inc NeSPG 7/28 B 1.49 1.31
Sohu Com Inc SOHU 7/28 B 0.67 0.15
Tata Communications LtdTCL 7/28 B n/a 0.18
Tgc Inds Inc TGE 7/28 B 0.09 0.08
Tyson Foods Inc TSN 7/28 B 0.12 0.30
United Fire & Cas Co UFCS 7/28 B 0.29 1.09
Verizon Communications VZ 7/28 B 0.65 0.58
Wrigley Wm Jr Co WWY 7/28 B 0.68 0.62
Alberto Culver Co New SBH 7/28 D 0.28 0.25
Bank Hawaii Corp BOH 7/28 D 0.93 0.95
Chemical Finl Corp CHFC 7/28 D 0.37 0.39
Empresas Ica S A De Cv ICA 7/28 D 0.18 0.31
First Ctzns Bancshares FCNCA 7/28 D n/a 2.96
Gehl Co GEHL 7/28 D 0.61 0.71
General Employment EnteJOB 7/28 D n/a 0.03
Grupo Aeroportuario DelPAC 7/28 D 0.50 0.46
Mine Safety Appliances MSA 7/28 D 0.60 0.53
Perdigao S A Comercio EPDA 7/28 D n/a 0.43
Ralcorp Hldgs Inc New RAH 7/28 D 1.21 1.13
Secure Computing Corp SCUR 7/28 D 0.06 0.07
Texas Roadhouse Inc TXRH 7/28 D 0.12 0.12
Advanced Analogic TechnAATI 7/28 A -0.02 0.02
Amgen Inc AMGN 7/28 A 1.02 1.12
Atheros Communications ATHR 7/28 A 0.30 0.25
Authentec Inc AUTH 7/28 A 0.03 -0.03
B & G Foods Inc New BGF 7/28 A 0.17 n/a
Banner Corp BANR 7/28 A 0.18 0.48
Cf Inds Hldgs Inc CF 7/28 A 3.60 1.65
Chemed Corp New CHE 7/28 A 0.69 0.77
China Bak Battery Inc CBAK 7/28 A -0.07 -0.05
Choice Hotels Intl Inc CHH 7/28 A 0.47 0.43
Cognex Corp CGNX 7/28 A 0.22 0.09
Community Health Sys InCYH 7/28 A 0.57 0.57
Compass Minerals Intl ICMP 7/28 A 0.26 -0.10
Crane Co CR 7/28 A 0.88 0.84
Education Rlty Tr Inc EDR 7/28 A 0.38 0.23
Enbridge Energy ManagemEEQ 7/28 A 0.74 0.64
Enbridge Energy ManagemEEQ 7/28 A 0.74 0.64
Ev3 Inc EVVV 7/28 A -0.18 -0.20
First Advantage Corp FADV 7/28 A 0.30 0.31
Franklin Elec Inc FELE 7/28 A 0.57 0.29
Gmarket Inc GMKT 7/28 A 0.21 0.18
Grupo Tmm S A TMM 7/28 A n/a -0.01
Harmonic Inc HLIT 7/28 A 0.17 0.11
Hartford Finl Svcs GrouHIG 7/28 A 2.10 2.39
Hickory Tech Corp HTCO 7/28 A n/a 0.25
Interactive IntelligencININ 7/28 A 0.13 0.17
Intevac Inc IVAC 7/28 A -0.15 0.52
Iris Intl Inc IRIS 7/28 A 0.11 0.10
Jda Software Group Inc JDAS 7/28 A 0.37 0.31
Ladish Inc LDSH 7/28 A 0.54 0.74
Maguire Pptys Inc MPG 7/28 A 0.03 -0.05
Manitowoc Inc MTW 7/28 A 0.89 0.76
Meadowbrook Ins Group IMIG 7/28 A 0.19 0.20
Meritage Homes Corp MTH 7/28 A -0.69 -2.16
Microtune Inc Del TUNE 7/28 A 0.04 0.07
Mosaic Co MOS 7/28 A 1.64 0.46
Navigators Group Inc NAVG 7/28 A 1.44 1.41
Nbt Bancorp Inc NBTB 7/28 A 0.43 0.36
Network Equip TechnologNWK 7/28 A -0.19 0.05
Owens & Minor Inc New OMI 7/28 A 0.55 0.45
Partnerre Ltd PRE 7/28 A 2.59 2.39
Phase Forward Inc PFWD 7/28 A 0.12 0.14
Plum Creek Timber Co InPCL 7/28 A 0.16 0.33
Plx Technology Inc PLXT 7/28 A 0.06 0.05
Pre Paid Legal Svcs IncPPD 7/28 A n/a 0.99
Prg-Schultz InternationPRGXD 7/28 A 0.02 -0.15
Questar Corp STR 7/28 A 0.85 0.66
Rent A Ctr Inc New RCII 7/28 A 0.56 0.58
Rock-Tenn Co RKT 7/28 A 0.70 0.64
Sl Green Rlty Corp SLG 7/28 A 1.71 1.26
Smurfit-Stone ContainerSSCC 7/28 A -0.11 0.06
Solutia Inc SOA 7/28 A n/a 0.26
Spherion Corp SFN 7/28 A 0.09 0.14
Trident Microsystems InTRID 7/28 A 0.03 0.26
Ultra Clean Hldgs Inc UCTT 7/28 A -0.02 0.23
United Amer Indemnity LUNGL 7/28 A 0.42 0.67
Universal Hlth Svcs IncUHS 7/28 A 0.91 0.79
Veeco Instrs Inc Del VECO 7/28 A 0.08 0.05
Wausau Paper Corp WPP 7/28 A -0.01 0.06
Websense Inc WBSN 7/28 A 0.31 0.22
Wright Med Group Inc WMGI 7/28 A 0.11 0.08
Zoran Corp ZRAN 7/28 A 0.15 0.33
Advanta Corp ADVNA 7/29 B n/a n/a
Alcatel ALU 7/29 B 0.02 0.05
Alexion PharmaceuticalsALXN 7/29 B -0.14 -0.75
Alpha Natural ResourcesANR 7/29 B 0.53 0.07
Amag Pharmaceuticals InAMAG 7/29 B -0.65 -0.72
Amedisys Inc AMED 7/29 B 0.69 0.57
Arvinmeritor Inc ARM 7/29 B 0.67 0.25
Associated Estates RltyAEC 7/29 B 0.23 0.24
Avx Corp New AVX 7/29 B 0.20 0.23
Be Aerospace Inc BEAV 7/29 B 0.57 0.31
Bemis Inc BMS 7/29 B 0.44 0.47
Castle A M & Co CAS 7/29 B 0.66 0.78
Continental Resources ICXP 7/29 B 0.70 0.34
Ctc Media Inc CTCM 7/29 B 0.30 0.19
Cynosure Inc CYNO 7/29 B 0.46 0.33
Dineequity Inc DIN 7/29 B 0.11 0.82
Earthlink Inc ELNK 7/29 B 0.36 -0.13
Entegris Inc ENTG 7/29 B 0.06 0.11
Firstservice Corp FSRV 7/29 B 0.23 0.58
Fresh Del Monte ProduceFDP 7/29 B 1.17 1.18
Group 1 Automotive Inc GPI 7/29 B 0.73 1.03
Gulfmark Offshore Inc GLF 7/29 B 1.37 1.27
Harsco Corp HSC 7/29 B 1.02 0.91
Headwaters Inc HDWR 7/29 B 0.25 0.98
Holly Energy Partners LHEP 7/29 B 0.57 0.64
Idenix Pharmaceuticals IDIX 7/29 B -0.35 -0.41
Infocus Corp INFS 7/29 B n/a -0.20
Integrated Mgmt InfomatINMG 7/29 B n/a -0.01
Inverness Med InnovatioIMA 7/29 B 0.42 0.24
Jarden Corp JAH 7/29 B 0.64 0.61
Kaydon Corp KDN 7/29 B 0.63 0.61
Landauer Inc LDR 7/29 B 0.60 0.57
Lca-Vision Inc LCAV 7/29 B 0.07 0.36
Lear Corp LEA 7/29 B 0.66 1.83
Lexicon Genetics Inc LXRX 7/29 B -0.15 -0.17
Louisiana Pac Corp LPX 7/29 B -0.38 -0.26
Martha Stewart Living OMSO 7/29 B 0.04 -0.13
Matsushita Elec Indl MC 7/29 B n/a 0.15
Mcgraw Hill Cos Inc MHP 7/29 B 0.66 0.79
National Oilwell Varco NOI 7/29 B 1.13 0.90
Ncr Corp New NCR 7/29 B 0.35 0.65
Ness Technologies Inc NSTC 7/29 B 0.20 0.11
Peoples Bancorp Inc PEBO 7/29 B 0.50 0.51
Perot Sys Corp PER 7/29 B 0.23 0.18
Pozen Inc POZN 7/29 B 0.42 -0.13
Privatebancorp Inc PVTB 7/29 B -0.24 0.40
Qlt Inc QLTI 7/29 B -0.07 0.07
Regal Beloit Corp RBC 7/29 B 1.15 1.06
Rti Intl Metals Inc RTI 7/29 B 0.85 0.90
Sap Aktiengesellschaft SAP 7/29 B 0.63 0.50
Semiconductor Mfg Intl SMI 7/29 B -0.15 -0.01
Sepracor Inc SEPR 7/29 B 0.23 0.05
Si Intl Inc SINT 7/29 B 0.29 0.38
Spectranetics Corp SPNC 7/29 B 0.00 0.02
Stellarone Corp VFGI 7/29 B 0.32 0.42
Stepan Co SCL 7/29 B 0.49 0.47
Teleflex Inc TFX 7/29 B 0.92 1.14
Tennant Co TNC 7/29 B 0.60 0.55
Teppco Partners L P TPP 7/29 B 0.45 0.44
Twin Disc Inc TWIN 7/29 B n/a 0.42
Under Armour Inc UA 7/29 B 0.01 0.11
Valero Energy Corp New VLO 7/29 B 1.33 3.89
Vishay Intertechnology VSH 7/29 B 0.23 0.26
Waddell & Reed Finl IncWDR 7/29 B 0.40 0.36
Waste Mgmt Inc Del WMI 7/29 B 0.59 0.56
Agco Corp AG 7/29 D 0.97 0.67
Airtran Hldgs Inc AAI 7/29 D -0.25 0.37
American Dental PartnerADPI 7/29 D 0.17 0.34
American Shared HospitaAMS 7/29 D n/a 0.06
Answers Corp ANSW 7/29 D -0.11 -0.04
Atc Technology Corp ATAC 7/29 D 0.41 0.46
Ballard Pwr Sys Inc BLDP 7/29 D -0.14 -0.10
Buckeye Gp Holdings Lp BGH 7/29 D 0.28 0.15
Buckeye Gp Holdings Lp BGH 7/29 D 0.28 0.15
Chicago Bridge & Iron CCBI 7/29 D -1.29 0.27
Coach Inc COH 7/29 D 0.50 0.42
Colgate Palmolive Co CL 7/29 D 0.94 0.84
Compugen Ltd CGEN 7/29 D n/a -0.11
Emcor Group Inc EME 7/29 D 0.56 0.39
Entergy Corp New ETR 7/29 D 1.51 1.32
Gevity Hr Inc GVHR 7/29 D 0.02 0.19
Graftech Intl Ltd GTI 7/29 D 0.47 0.37
Idearc Inc IAR 7/29 D 0.68 0.75
Iteris Inc ITI 7/29 D 0.03 0.03
Lam Research Corp LRCX 7/29 D 0.40 1.28
Lan Airlines S A LFL 7/29 D 0.12 0.13
Masco Corp MAS 7/29 D 0.21 0.55
Modine Mfg Co MOD 7/29 D -0.06 0.39
Mothers Wk Inc MWRK 7/29 D n/a 0.90
Northrop Grumman Corp NOC 7/29 D 1.40 1.31
Nrg Energy Inc NRG 7/29 D 0.54 0.59
Patriot Coal Corp PCX 7/29 D 0.65 0.40
Pilgrims Pride Corp PPC 7/29 D -1.19 0.94
Sciclone PharmaceuticalSCLN 7/29 D -0.11 -0.06
Sonic Automotive Inc SAH 7/29 D 0.51 0.65
Sony Corp SNE 7/29 D 0.20 0.27
Strattec Sec Corp STRT 7/29 D 0.00 0.97
Teva Pharmaceutical IndTEVA 7/29 D 0.64 0.63
United States Stl Corp X 7/29 D 3.91 2.66
Walter Inds Inc WLT 7/29 D 0.57 0.33
World Accep Corp Del WRLD 7/29 D 0.73 0.61
Ace Ltd ACE 7/29 A 1.90 1.98
Actel Corp ACTL 7/29 A 0.08 -0.10
Advent Software Inc ADVS 7/29 A 0.10 0.18
Align Technology Inc ALGN 7/29 A 0.05 0.19
America Svc Group Inc ASGRE 7/29 A 0.08 0.14
American Capital AgencyAGNC 7/29 A n/a n/a
American Commercial LinACLI 7/29 A -0.03 0.11
American Med Sys Hldgs AMMD 7/29 A 0.14 0.10
Amtrust Financial ServiAFSI 7/29 A 0.38 0.30
Audiocodes Ltd AUDC 7/29 A 0.08 0.03
Barrett Business ServicBBSI 7/29 A 0.22 0.42
Black Box Corp Del BBOX 7/29 A 0.83 0.66
Bre Properties Inc BRE 7/29 A 0.68 0.68
Brigham Exploration Co BEXP 7/29 A 0.15 0.11
Buffalo Wild Wings Inc BWLD 7/29 A 0.27 0.22
Callidus Software Inc CALD 7/29 A -0.06 -0.05
Capital Trust Inc Md CT 7/29 A 0.84 1.43
Cardiac Science Corp CSCX 7/29 A 0.09 0.07
Cascade Microtech Inc CSCD 7/29 A -0.10 0.04
Cb Richard Ellis Group CBG 7/29 A 0.43 0.66
Centex Corp CTX 7/29 A -1.10 -1.08
Cephalon Inc CEPH 7/29 A 1.07 0.93
Commscope Inc CTV 7/29 A 0.87 0.83
Corporate Office Pptys OFC 7/29 A 0.60 0.57
Covanta Hldg Corp CVA 7/29 A 0.28 0.21
Cts Corp CTS 7/29 A 0.20 0.15
Dennys Corp DENN 7/29 A 0.04 0.01
Dentsply Intl Inc New XRAY 7/29 A 0.49 0.44
Double-Take Software InDBTK 7/29 A 0.16 0.13
Dreamworks Animation SkDWA 7/29 A 0.23 0.60
Eagle Test Sys Inc EGLT 7/29 A 0.24 0.09
Edgar Online Inc EDGR 7/29 A -0.04 -0.06
Electronic Arts Inc ERTS 7/29 A -0.32 -0.22
Electronics For ImagingEFII 7/29 A 0.21 0.33
Embarq Corp EQ 7/29 A 1.28 1.15
Endurance Specialty HldENH 7/29 A 1.49 1.94
Entrust Inc ENTU 7/29 A 0.02 -0.02
Eog Res Inc EOG 7/29 A 2.34 1.17
Equity One EQY 7/29 A 0.33 0.34
Extra Space Storage IncEXR 7/29 A 0.30 0.27
F M C Corp FMC 7/29 A 1.18 0.90
Faro Technologies Inc FARO 7/29 A 0.39 0.39
Fei Co FEIC 7/29 A 0.13 0.33
Fgx International HldgsFGXI 7/29 A 0.17 0.18
First Finl Bancorp Oh FFBC 7/29 A 0.18 0.21
Fiserv Inc FISV 7/29 A 0.79 0.68
Franklin Street Pptys CFSP 7/29 A n/a n/a
Gallagher Arthur J & CoAJG 7/29 A 0.47 0.44
General Cable Corp Del BGC 7/29 A 1.31 1.15
Genworth Finl Inc GNW 7/29 A 0.55 0.78
Getty Rlty Corp New GTY 7/29 A 0.35 0.46
Granite City Food & BreGCFB 7/29 A -0.17 -0.09
Hanesbrands Inc HBI 7/29 A 0.67 0.54
Hanger Orthopedic GroupHGR 7/29 A 0.20 0.17
Hanmi Finl Corp HAFC 7/29 A 0.12 0.31
Harrington West Finl GrHWFG 7/29 A 0.22 0.21
Highwoods Pptys Inc HIW 7/29 A 0.66 0.60
Hutchinson Technology IHTCH 7/29 A -0.35 -0.30
Integrated Device TechnIDTI 7/29 A 0.21 0.22
Jones Lang Lasalle Inc JLL 7/29 A 0.99 2.32
Keynote Sys Inc KEYN 7/29 A -0.10 -0.09
Kforce Inc KFRC 7/29 A 0.18 0.25
Kona Grill Inc KONA 7/29 A -0.07 0.05
Landamerica Finl Group LFG 7/29 A -0.38 0.42
Lecg Corp XPRT 7/29 A 0.21 0.22
Lincoln Natl Corp Ind LNC 7/29 A 1.33 1.41
Lithia Mtrs Inc LAD 7/29 A 0.10 0.50
Lodgenet Entmt Corp LNET 7/29 A -0.30 -1.52
Metlife Inc MET 7/29 A 1.51 1.72
Monogram Biosciences InMGRM 7/29 A -0.04 -0.06
Monolithic Sys TechnoloMOSY 7/29 A -0.14 0.00
Mrv Communications Inc MRVC 7/29 A n/a -0.02
Nalco Holding Company NLC 7/29 A 0.31 0.33
National Instrs Corp NATI 7/29 A 0.30 0.26
Nci Inc NCIT 7/29 A 0.28 0.22
Newalliance Bancshares NAL 7/29 A 0.13 0.11
Online Res Corp ORCC 7/29 A 0.07 0.07
Osg Amer L P OSP 7/29 A 0.06 n/a
Overseas Shipholding GrOSG 7/29 A 2.82 1.63
Pab Bankshares Inc PABK 7/29 A 0.13 0.32
Pc Mall Inc MALL 7/29 A 0.24 0.22
Portfolio Recovery AssoPRAA 7/29 A 0.81 0.80
Quantum Corp QTM 7/29 A 0.01 0.02
Radisys Corp RSYS 7/29 A 0.06 -0.01
Ramco-Gershenson Pptys RPT 7/29 A 0.61 0.60
Renaissancere Holdings RNR 7/29 A 2.08 2.69
Rf Microdevices Inc RFMD 7/29 A 0.01 0.04
Savvis Inc SVVSD 7/29 A -0.11 2.33
Security Bank Corp SBKC 7/29 A -0.46 0.31
Shinhan Financial GroupSHG 7/29 A n/a n/a
Silicon Motion TechnoloSIMO 7/29 A 0.44 0.42
Silicon Storage TechnolSSTI 7/29 A -0.09 -0.07
Silver Wheaton Corp SLW 7/29 A 0.14 0.09
Simpson Manufacturing CSSD 7/29 A 0.34 0.58
Sonicwall Inc SNWL 7/29 A 0.06 0.09
Spss Inc SPSS 7/29 A 0.45 0.36
Starent Networks Corp STAR 7/29 A 0.17 0.03
Sumtotal Sys Inc SUMT 7/29 A 0.04 0.06
Switch & Data FacilitieSDXC 7/29 A 0.02 0.06
Tanger Factory Outlet CSKT 7/29 A 0.40 0.59
Transwitch Corp TXCC 7/29 A -0.03 -0.03
Ttm Technologies Inc TTMI 7/29 A 0.22 0.14
Ultimate Software GroupULTI 7/29 A 0.13 0.15
United Rentals Inc URI 7/29 A 0.67 0.60
Vnus Med Technologies IVNUS 7/29 A 0.56 -0.15
Watts Water TechnologieWTS 7/29 A 0.44 0.45
Wpcs Intl Inc WPCS 7/29 A 0.22 0.18
Zix Corp ZIXI 7/29 A -0.02 -0.05
Alpharma Inc ALO 7/30 B 0.02 0.30
Alvarion Ltd ALVR 7/30 B 0.03 0.03
Ambassadors Intl Inc AMIE 7/30 B 0.21 0.48
American Tower Corp AMT 7/30 B 0.12 -0.05
Asbury Automotive GroupABG 7/30 B 0.48 0.66
Avigen Inc AVGN 7/30 B -0.26 -0.21
Avista Corp AVA 7/30 B 0.43 0.26
Burger King Hldgs Inc BKC 7/30 B 0.14 0.18
Centennial Communctns CCYCL 7/30 B 0.08 0.05
Central European Media CETV 7/30 B 1.16 0.83
Cnx Gas Corp CXG 7/30 B 0.47 0.27
Corning Inc GLW 7/30 B 0.49 0.34
Cox Radio Inc CXR 7/30 B 0.19 0.21
Cummins Inc CMI 7/30 B 1.23 1.07
Curis Inc CRIS 7/30 B -0.05 -0.08
Echelon Corp ELON 7/30 B -0.21 -0.13
Edgewater Technology InEDGW 7/30 B 0.05 0.08
Euronet Worldwide Inc EEFT 7/30 B 0.32 0.29
France Telecom FTE 7/30 B n/a n/a
Fujifilm Hldgs Corp FUJI 7/30 B n/a 0.66
Garmin Ltd GRMN 7/30 B 1.00 1.00
Gartner Inc IT 7/30 B 0.23 0.17
Geron Corp GERN 7/30 B -0.20 -0.19
Health Grades Inc HGRD 7/30 B 0.04 0.11
Hess Corp HES 7/30 B 2.79 1.70
Huntsman Corp HUN 7/30 B 0.14 0.33
Iac Interactivecorp IACID 7/30 B 0.31 0.31
Imperial Sugar Co New IPSU 7/30 B -0.59 0.49
Interpublic Group Cos IIPG 7/30 B 0.16 0.24
Jones Apparel Group IncJNY 7/30 B 0.12 0.17
Kemet Corp KEM 7/30 B 0.02 0.12
Kimco Realty Corp KIM 7/30 B 0.65 0.71
Kyocera Corp KYO 7/30 B n/a 1.09
L-1 Identity Solutions ID 7/30 B 0.04 -0.02
Lazard Ltd LAZ 7/30 B 0.51 0.52
Littelfuse Inc LFUS 7/30 B 0.45 0.40
Magal Security Sys Ltd MAGS 7/30 B n/a 0.03
Marketaxess Hldgs Inc MKTX 7/30 B 0.07 0.10
Meredith Corp MDP 7/30 B 0.76 1.05
Merix Corp MERX 7/30 B -0.18 -0.03
Moodys Corp MCO 7/30 B 0.47 0.76
Mps Group Inc MPS 7/30 B 0.22 0.21
Ntt Docomo Inc DCM 7/30 B n/a n/a
Office Depot Inc ODP 7/30 B 0.04 0.43
Oppenheimer Hldgs Inc OPY 7/30 B n/a 1.16
Owens Corning New OC 7/30 B 0.21 0.37
Penske Automotive Grp IPAG 7/30 B 0.43 0.42
R H Donnelley Corp RHD 7/30 B 0.12 0.34
Rehabcare Group Inc RHB 7/30 B 0.24 0.21
Reliv Intl Inc RELV 7/30 B 0.06 0.05
Reynolds American Inc RAI 7/30 B 1.19 1.10
Silicon Laboratories InSLAB 7/30 B 0.41 0.26
Southern Co SO 7/30 B 0.57 0.55
Steris Corp STE 7/30 B 0.25 0.21
Stewart Information SvcSTC 7/30 B -0.45 0.55
Temple Inland Inc TIN 7/30 B -0.05 0.59
Timberland Co TBL 7/30 B -0.34 -0.30
Trex Inc TWP 7/30 B 0.18 0.17
Tronox Inc TRX 7/30 B -0.63 -0.29
United MicroelectronicsUMC 7/30 B 0.03 0.04
Viropharma Inc VPHM 7/30 B 0.26 0.39
Visteon Corp VC 7/30 B -0.39 -0.36
Voltaire Ltd VOLT 7/30 B 0.04 -0.07
Wright Express Corp WXS 7/30 B 0.54 0.50
Zoom Technologies Inc DZOOM 7/30 B n/a -0.14
Allergan Inc AGN 7/30 D 0.63 0.54
Apria Healthcare Group AHG 7/30 D 0.49 0.46
Armstrong World Inds InAWI 7/30 D 0.75 0.93
Atmel Corp ATML 7/30 D 0.01 0.00
Avon Prods Inc AVP 7/30 D 0.47 0.26
Bel Fuse Inc BELFB 7/30 D 0.33 0.52
Bio Imaging TechnologieBITI 7/30 D 0.05 0.04
Comcast Corp New CMCSA 7/30 D 0.22 0.19
Compania De Minas BuenaBVN 7/30 D 1.17 0.11
Cooper Cameron Corp CAM 7/30 D 0.61 0.51
Efj Inc EFJI 7/30 D -0.05 0.15
Ehealth Inc EHTH 7/30 D 0.14 0.13
Empresa Nacional De ElcEOC 7/30 D n/a 0.11
Energizer Hldgs Inc ENR 7/30 D 1.26 0.97
Entertainment Pptys Tr EPR 7/30 D 1.13 0.99
Evans Bancorp Inc EVBN 7/30 D n/a -0.05
Federal Realty Invt Tr FRT 7/30 D 0.97 0.91
Insure Com Inc NSUR 7/30 D n/a -0.04
Luz Del Sur S A LUZS 7/30 D n/a n/a
Mercury Computer Sys MRCY 7/30 D -0.23 -0.02
Monaco Coach Corp MNC 7/30 D -0.22 0.15
New Jersey Res NJR 7/30 D -0.13 -0.12
Noble Energy Inc NBL 7/30 D 2.10 1.36
Pdf Solutions Inc PDFS 7/30 D 0.03 0.17
Pinnacle West Cap Corp PNW 7/30 D 0.80 0.78
Pzena Investment Mgmt IPZN 7/30 D 0.12 0.21
Realty Income Corp O 7/30 D 0.46 0.49
Rockwood Hldgs Inc ROC 7/30 D 0.60 0.51
Rubicon Technology Inc RBCN 7/30 D 0.11 0.02
Scientific Learning CorSCIL 7/30 D 0.11 0.15
Sealed Air Corp New SEE 7/30 D 0.40 0.41
Shutterfly Inc SFLY 7/30 D -0.17 -0.10
Siderurgica Venezolana SDNZY 7/30 D n/a n/a
Span Amer Med Sys Inc SPAN 7/30 D n/a 0.43
Spx Corp SPW 7/30 D 1.57 1.20
State Bancorp Inc N.y STBC 7/30 D 0.23 0.22
Symyx Technologies SMMX 7/30 D -0.16 -0.04
Thomas Weisel Partners TWPG 7/30 D -0.15 0.29
Timken Co TKR 7/30 D 0.90 0.73
Titan Intl Inc Ill TWI 7/30 D 0.34 0.18
Ugi Corp New UGI 7/30 D 0.12 0.11
Virage Logic Corp VIRL 7/30 D -0.04 -0.05
Wabco Hldgs Inc WBC 7/30 D 1.00 0.70
Acadia Rlty Tr AKR 7/30 A 0.34 0.26
Acxiom Corp ACXM 7/30 A 0.10 0.09
Akamai Technologies IncAKAM 7/30 A 0.41 0.30
Allegheny Energy Inc AYE 7/30 A 0.42 0.45
Allied Waste Inds Inc AW 7/30 A 0.24 0.19
American Eqty Invt LifeAEL 7/30 A 0.32 0.28
Anadys Pharmaceuticals ANDS 7/30 A -0.27 -0.24
Applied Micro Circuits AMCCD 7/30 A 0.11 -0.12
Arris Group Inc ARRS 7/30 A 0.14 0.22
Aspen Insurance HoldingAHL 7/30 A 1.08 1.14
Asyst Technology Corp ASYT 7/30 A -0.14 0.11
Avalonbay Cmntys Inc AVB 7/30 A 1.24 1.17
Axt Inc AXTI 7/30 A 0.05 0.03
Bare Escentuals Inc BARE 7/30 A 0.25 0.22
Biomed Realty Trust IncBMR 7/30 A 0.46 0.50
Brandywine Rlty Tr BDN 7/30 A 0.59 0.65
Btu Intl Inc BTUI 7/30 A 0.07 0.02
Cal Dive Intl Inc Del DVR 7/30 A 0.24 0.27
California Wtr Svc GrouCWT 7/30 A 0.43 0.37
Callaway Golf Co ELY 7/30 A 0.62 0.55
Cedar Shopping Ctrs IncCDR 7/30 A 0.31 0.28
Circor Intl Inc CIR 7/30 A 0.98 0.63
Cleveland Cliffs Inc CLF 7/30 A 1.99 0.83
Cogdell Spencer Inc CSA 7/30 A 0.30 0.28
Concur Technologies IncCNQR 7/30 A 0.12 0.10
Covance Inc CVD 7/30 A 0.78 0.64
Digital Riv Inc DRIV 7/30 A 0.33 0.39
Disney Walt Co DIS 7/30 A 0.61 0.58
Drew Inds Inc DW 7/30 A 0.34 0.57
Dte Energy Co DTE 7/30 A 0.45 0.38
Duke Realty Corp DRE 7/30 A 0.65 0.63
Eclipsys Corp ECLP 7/30 A 0.23 0.18
Equity Residential EQR 7/30 A 0.62 0.60
Erie Indty Co ERIE 7/30 A 0.92 1.09
Essex Ppty Tr Inc ESS 7/30 A 1.44 1.32
Exactech Inc EXAC 7/30 A 0.23 0.20
Express Scripts Inc ESRX 7/30 A 0.72 0.56
Famous Daves Amer Inc DAVE 7/30 A 0.18 0.20
First Potomac Rlty Tr FPO 7/30 A 0.42 0.42
First Solar Inc FSLR 7/30 A 0.58 0.07
Flowserve Corp FLS 7/30 A 1.49 0.98
Formfactor Inc FORM 7/30 A -0.46 0.38
Fpic Ins Group Inc FPIC 7/30 A 1.13 1.02
General Communication IGNCMA 7/30 A 0.06 0.09
General Growth Pptys InGGP 7/30 A 0.73 0.71
General Maritime Corp GMR 7/30 A 0.54 0.37
Granite Constr Inc GVA 7/30 A 0.71 1.05
Hawaiian Holdings Inc HA 7/30 A 0.10 -0.05
Helix Energy Solutions HLX 7/30 A 0.87 0.70
Hilb Rogal & Hobbs Co HRH 7/30 A 0.57 0.60
Hologic Inc HOLX 7/30 A 0.29 0.23
Horace Mann Educators CHMN 7/30 A 0.15 0.51
Hudson Highland Group IHHGP 7/30 A 0.12 0.13
Human Genome Sciences IHGSI 7/30 A -0.54 -0.38
Huttig Bldg Prods Inc HBP 7/30 A -0.26 0.05
I-Many Inc IMNY 7/30 A -0.02 -0.05
Innospec Inc IOSP 7/30 A 0.40 0.27
Innovative Solutions & ISSC 7/30 A -0.10 -0.08
Iochpe Maxion S A IOCJY 7/30 A n/a n/a
Itron Inc ITRI 7/30 A 0.82 0.89
Lhc Group Inc LHCG 7/30 A 0.31 0.35
Mantech Intl Corp MANT 7/30 A 0.60 0.44
Mastec Inc MTZ 7/30 A 0.21 0.24
Mdc Partners Inc MDCA 7/30 A -0.03 -0.03
Mercer Intl Inc MERC 7/30 A 0.06 0.12
Murphy Oil Corp MUR 7/30 A 2.19 1.42
Neurocrine Biosciences NBIX 7/30 A -0.52 -0.69
Newport Corp NEWP 7/30 A 0.10 0.20
Nic Inc EGOV 7/30 A 0.05 0.04
Oceaneering Intl Inc OII 7/30 A 0.90 0.86
Owens Ill Inc OI 7/30 A 1.22 0.84
Panacos PharmaceuticalsPANC 7/30 A -0.18 -0.19
Pgt Inc PGTI 7/30 A 0.02 0.12
Polypore Intl Inc PPO 7/30 A 0.24 -0.04
Prudential Finl Inc PRU 7/30 A 1.85 1.87
Psychiatric Solutions IPSYS 7/30 A 0.50 0.37
Quaker Chem Corp KWR 7/30 A 0.46 0.41
Rc2 Corp RCRC 7/30 A 0.15 0.28
Richardson Electrs Ltd RELL 7/30 A 0.14 -0.03
Rightnow Technologies IRNOW 7/30 A -0.05 -0.11
Rogers Corp ROG 7/30 A 0.45 0.21
Sadia S A SDA 7/30 A 0.00 0.27
Sauer-Danfoss Inc SHS 7/30 A 0.46 0.37
Sciele Pharma Inc SCRX 7/30 A 0.43 0.39
Sequenom Inc SQNMD 7/30 A -0.15 -0.13
Southwestern Energy Co SWN 7/30 A 0.37 0.14
Spartan Stores Inc SPTN 7/30 A 0.33 0.31
Sport Chalet Inc SPCHB 7/30 A -0.15 -0.05
Staar Surgical Co STAA 7/30 A -0.10 -0.16
Standard Pac Corp New SPF 7/30 A -1.26 -2.56
Starbucks Corp SBUX 7/30 A 0.18 0.21
Steiner Leisure Ltd STNR 7/30 A 0.66 0.67
Superior Energy Svcs InSPN 7/30 A 1.00 0.85
Symantec Corp SYMC 7/30 A 0.35 0.29
Tdk Corp TDK 7/30 A n/a n/a
Teco Energy Inc TE 7/30 A 0.23 0.25
Telular Corp WRLS 7/30 A 0.09 0.02
Tesoro Corp TSO 7/30 A -0.05 3.17
Tetra Tech Inc New TTEK 7/30 A 0.24 0.21
Thq Inc THQI 7/30 A -0.38 -0.09
Total Sys Svcs Inc TSS 7/30 A 0.33 0.33
Trinity Inds Inc TRN 7/30 A 0.86 0.85
Unumprovident Corp UNM 7/30 A 0.60 0.51
Virtusa Corp VRTU 7/30 A 0.05 0.13
Visa Inc V 7/30 A 0.48 n/a
Wabash Natl Corp WNC 7/30 A -0.13 0.18
Whiting Pete Corp New WLL 7/30 A 2.04 0.72
Willis Group Holdings LWSH 7/30 A 0.58 0.54
3par Inc PAR 7/31 B 0.00 -0.23
Aetna Inc New AET 7/31 B 0.93 0.83
Agl Res Inc ATG 7/31 B 0.24 0.40
Altria Group Inc MO 7/31 B 0.45 1.15
American Ecology Corp ECOL 7/31 B 0.32 0.28
Anglogold Ashanti Ltd AU 7/31 B 0.26 0.29
Antigenics Inc Del AGEN 7/31 B -0.18 -0.22
Apache Corp APA 7/31 B 4.10 1.89
Arch Chemicals Inc ARJ 7/31 B 1.38 1.41
Aspen Technology Inc AZPNE 7/31 B 0.29 0.26
Assurant Inc AIZ 7/31 B 1.63 1.37
Automatic Data ProcessiADP 7/31 B 0.42 0.35
Auxilium PharmaceuticalAUXL 7/31 B -0.31 -0.27
Baldwin & Lyons Inc BWINA 7/31 B n/a n/a
Barrick Gold Corp ABX 7/31 B 0.56 0.54
Beasley Broadcast GroupBBGI 7/31 B 0.11 0.09
Brookfield Pptys Corp BPO 7/31 B 0.37 0.42
Bt Group Plc BT 7/31 B n/a 1.02
C D I Corp CDI 7/31 B 0.42 0.41
Cablevision Sys Corp CVC 7/31 B 0.13 0.43
Capella Education CompaCPLA 7/31 B 0.33 0.28
Carpenter Technology CoCRS 7/31 B 1.11 1.17
Cbiz Inc CBZ 7/31 B 0.12 0.10
Cbs Corp New CBS 7/31 B 0.52 0.54
Central Pac Finl Corp CPF 7/31 B 0.22 0.68
Centurytel Inc CTL 7/31 B 0.81 0.70
Cincinnati Bell Inc NewCBB 7/31 B 0.10 0.08
Coca Cola Hellenic BttlCCH 7/31 B n/a 0.73
Constellation Energy GrCEG 7/31 B 1.01 0.64
Continental Ag CTTAY 7/31 B n/a 2.67
Cott Corp Que COT 7/31 B 0.01 0.08
Cryolife Inc CRY 7/31 B 0.10 0.07
Cvs Corp CVS 7/31 B 0.60 0.47
Dassault Sys S A DASTY 7/31 B 0.67 0.42
Dawson Geophysical Co DWSN 7/31 B 1.13 0.98
Deluxe Corp DLX 7/31 B 0.62 0.69
Deutsche Bank Ag Namen DB 7/31 B n/a 4.85
Diana Shipping Inc DSX 7/31 B 0.76 0.41
Eastman Kodak Co EK 7/31 B 0.16 0.40
Enbridge Inc ENB 7/31 B 0.38 0.33
Expedia Inc Del EXPE 7/31 B 0.39 0.35
Exxon Mobil Corp XOM 7/31 B 2.52 1.83
First Amern Corp Calif FAF 7/31 B 0.43 -0.68
Fisher Communications IFSCI 7/31 B n/a 0.08
Gentiva Health ServicesGTIV 7/31 B 0.32 0.32
Goldcorp Inc New GG 7/31 B 0.22 0.14
Goodyear Tire & Rubr CoGT 7/31 B 0.62 0.35
Green Mtn Coffee RoasteGMCR 7/31 B 0.21 0.15
Greenhill & Co Inc GHL 7/31 B 0.68 1.47
Gsi Group Inc Cda GSIG 7/31 B 0.03 0.08
Guaranty Finl Group IncGFG 7/31 B n/a n/a
Harvest Natural ResourcHNR 7/31 B 0.07 -0.18
Helmerich & Payne Inc HP 7/31 B 1.03 0.88
Hitachi Limited HIT 7/31 B n/a n/a
Hornbeck Offshore Svcs HOS 7/31 B 0.95 0.80
Icad Inc ICAD 7/31 B 0.03 -0.02
Ilog S A ILOG 7/31 B n/a 0.14
Incyte Corp INCY 7/31 B -0.50 -0.22
Integramed Amer Inc INMD 7/31 B 0.10 0.10
International Flavors&fIFF 7/31 B 0.80 0.76
Internet Cap Group Inc ICGE 7/31 B -0.29 -0.11
Intl Paper Co IP 7/31 B 0.40 0.52
Investment Technology GITG 7/31 B 0.58 0.60
Iron Mtn Inc IRM 7/31 B 0.18 0.19
Istar Finl Inc SFI 7/31 B 0.80 1.02
Kansas City Southern KSU 7/31 B 0.44 0.36
K-Swiss Inc KSWS 7/31 B 0.02 0.22
Lkq Corp LKQX 7/31 B 0.18 0.13
Lubrizol Corp LZ 7/31 B 1.07 1.17
Luxottica Group S P A LUX 7/31 B 0.43 0.42
M D C Hldgs Inc MDC 7/31 B -0.82 -2.32
Mack Cali Rlty Corp CLI 7/31 B 0.88 0.88
Magellan Health Svcs InMGLN 7/31 B 0.47 0.42
Mahanagar Tel Nigam LtdMTE 7/31 B n/a n/a
Makita Corp MKTAY 7/31 B n/a n/a
Marathon Oil Corp MRO 7/31 B 1.53 2.25
Mim Corp BIOS 7/31 B 0.02 0.01
Motorola Inc MOT 7/31 B -0.03 0.02
Multi Color Corp LABL 7/31 B 0.32 0.27
National Retail PropertNNN 7/31 B 0.49 0.47
Natus Medical Inc Del BABY 7/31 B 0.14 0.10
Network Engines Inc NENG 7/31 B n/a 0.02
Newell Rubbermaid Inc NWL 7/31 B 0.48 0.55
Nn Inc NNBR 7/31 B 0.26 0.18
Novamed Inc Del NOVA 7/31 B 0.09 0.06
Nu Skin Enterprises IncNUS 7/31 B 0.28 0.24
Nymex Holdings Inc NMX 7/31 B 0.82 0.60
Oge Energy Corp OGE 7/31 B n/a 0.68
Omnicare Inc OCR 7/31 B 0.39 0.51
Orchid Cellmark Inc ORCH 7/31 B -0.02 -0.03
P C Connection PCCC 7/31 B 0.23 0.21
Palomar Med TechnologiePMTI 7/31 B 0.09 0.30
Pantry Inc PTRY 7/31 B 0.29 0.61
Parker Hannifin Corp PH 7/31 B 1.50 1.23
Patterson Uti Energy InPTEN 7/31 B 0.51 0.64
Pharmanet Dev Group IncPDGI 7/31 B 0.04 0.14
Phoenix Cos Inc New PNX 7/31 B 0.18 0.30
Radvision Ltd RVSN 7/31 B -0.11 0.22
Randgold Res Ltd GOLD 7/31 B 0.24 0.08
Repsol Ypf S A REP 7/31 B 1.12 0.91
Revlon Inc REV 7/31 B 0.01 -0.02
Rit Technologies Ltd RITT 7/31 B n/a -0.12
Sanofi Aventis SNY 7/31 B n/a 0.84
Santander Bancorp SBP 7/31 B 0.25 0.09
Solvay S A SVYSY 7/31 B n/a n/a
Spirit Aerosystems HldgSPR 7/31 B 0.59 0.49
Startek Inc SRT 7/31 B -0.02 -0.02
Stoneridge Inc SRI 7/31 B 0.22 0.11
Stratasys Inc SSYS 7/31 B 0.20 0.18
Taiwan Semiconductor MfTSM 7/31 B 0.18 0.15
Technip New TKP 7/31 B n/a 1.02
Tenneco Automotive Inc TEN 7/31 B 0.72 0.87
Theragenics Corp TGX 7/31 B n/a 0.05
Thestreet Com TSCM 7/31 B 0.08 0.12
Transalta Corp TAC 7/31 B 0.25 0.25
Trw Automotive Hldgs CoTRW 7/31 B 0.72 1.02
Ultralife Batteries IncULBI 7/31 B 0.43 0.08
Unifi Inc UFI 7/31 B 0.01 -0.13
Unilever Plc UL 7/31 B n/a 0.50
United Therapeutics CorUTHR 7/31 B 0.58 0.26
West Bancorporation IncWTBA 7/31 B 0.23 0.29
Wisconsin Energy Corp WEC 7/31 B 0.48 0.49
Wyndham Worldwide Corp WYN 7/31 B 0.47 0.49
Xcel Energy Inc XEL 7/31 B 0.30 0.29
8x8 Inc New EGHT 7/31 D 0.01 0.01
Abington Bancorp Inc ABBC 7/31 D 0.08 0.06
Adaptec Inc ADPT 7/31 D 0.02 -0.05
American Elec Pwr Inc AEP 7/31 D 1.11 1.16
Asat Hldgs Ltd ASTTY 7/31 D n/a -0.25
Asm Intl N V ASMI 7/31 D 0.29 0.35
Balchem Corp BCPC 7/31 D 0.25 0.22
Borg Warner Inc BWA 7/31 D 0.75 0.65
Brinks Co BCO 7/31 D 0.77 0.58
Carbo Ceramics Inc CRR 7/31 D 0.52 0.53
Cerus Corp CERS 7/31 D -0.26 -0.56
Chart Inds Inc GTLS 7/31 D 0.59 0.51
Conexant Systems Inc CNXT 7/31 D -0.01 -0.04
Consol Energy Inc CNX 7/31 D 0.80 0.83
Dominion Res Inc Va NewD 7/31 D 0.51 0.45
Dun & Bradstreet Corp DDNB 7/31 D 1.10 0.98
Dynamics Resh Corp DRCO 7/31 D 0.17 0.16
Endo Pharmaceuticals HlENDP 7/31 D 0.48 0.46
Energy East Corp EAS 7/31 D 0.08 0.12
Enersis S A ENI 7/31 D n/a n/a
Environmental Pwr Corp EPG 7/31 D -0.20 -0.39
Forrester Resh Inc FORR 7/31 D 0.34 0.31
Fpl Group Inc FPL 7/31 D 0.93 0.86
Genco Shipping & TradinGNK 7/31 D 1.76 0.60
Hca Inc HCA 7/31 D n/a n/a
Housevalues Inc SOLD 7/31 D -0.07 -0.01
Imperial Oil Ltd IMO 7/31 D 1.28 0.76
Intermune Inc ITMN 7/31 D -0.60 -0.58
Kellogg Co K 7/31 D 0.81 0.75
Kopin Corp KOPN 7/31 D n/a -0.05
M/i Homes Inc MHO 7/31 D -1.07 -3.05
Marinemax Inc HZO 7/31 D 0.17 0.50
Mastercard Inc MA 7/31 D 2.01 1.43
Metalico Inc MEA 7/31 D 0.25 0.14
Mid-Amer Apt Cmntys IncMAA 7/31 D 0.95 0.84
Mwi Veterinary Supply IMWIV 7/31 D 0.43 0.35
Northgate Minerals CorpNXG 7/31 D 0.07 0.03
Northwestern Corp NWE 7/31 D 0.10 0.06
Olympic Steel Inc ZEUS 7/31 D 1.94 0.88
Onvia Inc ONVI 7/31 D n/a -0.04
Osteotech Inc OSTE 7/31 D 0.03 0.05
Partner Communications PTNR 7/31 D 0.45 0.33
Powerwave Technologies PWAV 7/31 D 0.03 -0.16
Ruddick Corp RDK 7/31 D 0.52 0.44
Sun Life Finl Inc SLF 7/31 D 0.99 0.94
Tc Pipelines Lp TCLP 7/31 D 0.53 0.45
Town Sports InternationCLUB 7/31 D 0.25 0.24
Transcanada Corp TRP 7/31 D 0.55 0.44
Zones Inc ZONS 7/31 D n/a 0.30
Activision Blizzard IncATVID 7/31 A 0.18 0.11
Akorn Inc AKRX 7/31 A -0.04 -0.05
Alliance Imaging Inc AIQ 7/31 A 0.09 0.09
Allied Cap Corp New THG 7/31 A 0.97 1.13
American Finl Group IncAFG 7/31 A 0.89 0.93
American Physicians CapACAP 7/31 A 1.10 1.44
Aon Corp AOC 7/31 A 0.69 0.74
App Pharmaceuticals IncABBI 7/31 A n/a 0.23
Atlantic Tele Network IATNI 7/31 A 0.54 0.59
Atlas Pipeline HoldingsAHD 7/31 A 0.35 0.13
Aventine Renewable EnerAVR 7/31 A 0.12 0.30
Big 5 Sporting Goods CoBGFV 7/31 A 0.08 0.26
Bigband Networks Inc BBND 7/31 A -0.01 0.07
Builders Firstsource InBLDR 7/31 A -0.35 0.23
Ca Inc CA 7/31 A 0.35 0.29
Cabelas Inc CAB 7/31 A 0.12 0.17
Camden Ppty Tr CPT 7/31 A 0.90 0.92
Chemtura Corp CEM 7/31 A 0.18 0.17
Chesapeake Energy Corp CHK 7/31 A 0.88 0.71
Chiquita Brands Intl InCQB 7/31 A n/a n/a
Chordiant Software Inc CHRD 7/31 A 0.01 0.21
Cognizant Technology SoCTSH 7/31 A 0.35 0.27
Coinstar Inc CSTR 7/31 A 0.14 0.12
Comfort Sys Usa Inc FIX 7/31 A 0.32 0.25
Cv Therapeutics Inc CVTX 7/31 A -0.26 -0.97
Cytokinetics Inc CYTK 7/31 A -0.33 -0.27
Depomed Inc DEPO 7/31 A -0.22 -0.20
Dolby Laboratories Inc DLB 7/31 A 0.30 0.26
Drugstore Com Inc DSCM 7/31 A -0.02 -0.03
Dynamic Matls Corp BOOM 7/31 A 0.43 0.46
Exar Corp EXAR 7/31 A -0.01 0.09
Extreme Networks Inc EXTR 7/31 A 0.02 0.00
Fairfax Finl Hldgs Ltd FFH 7/31 A 3.67 8.92
Genoptix Inc GXDX 7/31 A 0.17 0.29
Gen-Probe Inc New GPRO 7/31 A 0.35 0.50
Gfi Group Inc GFIG 7/31 A 0.22 0.18
Giga Tronics Inc GIGA 7/31 A n/a 0.01
Grey Wolf Inc GW 7/31 A 0.15 0.19
Gsi Technology GSIT 7/31 A 0.07 0.04
Hansen Medical Inc HNSN 7/31 A -0.49 -0.37
I D Systems Inc IDSY 7/31 A -0.08 -0.16
Immersion Corp IMMR 7/31 A -0.06 0.01
Insightful Corp IFUL 7/31 A n/a -0.10
Intellon Corp ITLN 7/31 A -0.02 -0.03
Intermec Inc IN 7/31 A 0.14 0.13
Intrepid Potash Inc IPHS 7/31 A 0.88 0.33
Ipcs Inc IPCS 7/31 A 0.09 -2.58
Isilon Systems Inc ISLN 7/31 A -0.11 -0.04
Kaman Corp KAMN 7/31 A 0.46 0.40
Kindred Healthcare Inc KND 7/31 A 0.33 0.32
Kla-Tencor Corp KLAC 7/31 A 0.57 0.90
Laclede Group Inc LG 7/31 A 0.16 0.43
Massey Energy Corp MEE 7/31 A 0.76 0.42
Maxygen Inc MAXY 7/31 A -0.39 -0.43
Mcafee Inc MFE 7/31 A 0.45 0.41
Mentor Corp Minn MNT 7/31 A 0.39 0.48
Millipore Corp MIL 7/31 A 0.85 0.81
Monster Worldwide Inc MNST 7/31 A 0.37 0.32
Morningstar Inc MORN 7/31 A 0.49 0.38
Nanometrics Inc NANO 7/31 A -0.02 -0.01
National Interstate CorNATL 7/31 A 0.60 0.61
Nautilus Inc NLS 7/31 A -0.19 -0.30
Navigant Consulting IncNCI 7/31 A 0.22 0.21
Newmarket Corp NEU 7/31 A 1.26 1.00
Newpark Res Inc NR 7/31 A 0.10 0.09
Nms Communications CorpNMSS 7/31 A -0.07 -0.03
Northstar Neuroscience NSTR 7/31 A -0.18 -0.27
Odyssey Re Hldgs Corp ORH 7/31 A 0.86 0.93
Oil Sts Intl Inc OIS 7/31 A 0.96 0.86
Peets Coffee & Tea Inc PEET 7/31 A 0.15 0.13
Pharmacopeia Drug DiscvPCOP 7/31 A -0.43 -0.26
Photon Dynamics Inc PHTNE 7/31 A 0.23 -0.52
Pma Cap Corp PMACA 7/31 A 0.11 0.05
Poniard PharmaceuticalsPARD 7/31 A -0.31 -0.28
Primus TelecommunicatioPRTL 7/31 A -0.04 0.07
Radiant Systems Inc RADS 7/31 A 0.20 0.18
Realnetworks Inc RNWK 7/31 A -0.02 0.01
Rochester Med Corp ROCM 7/31 A -0.02 0.06
Rsc Holdings Inc RRR 7/31 A 0.37 0.36
Salary Com Inc SLRY 7/31 A -0.26 -0.04
Scientific Games Corp SGMS 7/31 A 0.33 0.28
Scotts Miracle Gro Co SMG 7/31 A 1.92 1.98
Selective Ins Group IncSIGI 7/31 A 0.51 0.49
Sourcefire Inc FIRE 7/31 A -0.07 -0.02
Stanley Inc SXE 7/31 A 0.31 0.23
Strategic Diagnostics ISDIX 7/31 A -0.01 0.01
Supportsoft Inc SPRT 7/31 A -0.10 -0.08
Synaptics Inc SYNA 7/31 A 0.42 0.36
Taleo Corp TLEO 7/31 A 0.13 0.10
Telecommunication Sys ITSYS 7/31 A 0.10 0.00
Tessera Technologies InTSRA 7/31 A 0.08 0.20
Thinkorswim Group Inc SWIM 7/31 A 0.17 0.05
Thoratec Corp THOR 7/31 A 0.09 0.10
United Stationers Inc USTR 7/31 A 0.81 0.84
Universal Amern Finl CoUAM 7/31 A 0.18 0.37
Uroplasty Inc UPI 7/31 A n/a -0.06
Valueclick Inc VCLK 7/31 A 0.17 0.17
Vectren Corp VVC 7/31 A 0.11 0.19
Vertex Pharmaceuticals VRTX 7/31 A -0.60 -0.91
Vistaprint Limited VPRT 7/31 A 0.30 0.20
Wayside Technology GrouWSTG 7/31 A 0.25 0.20
Weight Watchers Intl InWTW 7/31 A 0.89 0.73
Weingarten Rlty Invs WRI 7/31 A 0.78 0.75
Zilog Inc ZILG 7/31 A n/a -0.12
Administaff Inc ASF 8/1 B 0.43 0.50
Allete Inc ALE 8/1 B 0.49 0.80
Ameren Corp AEE 8/1 B 0.73 0.69
Apartment Invt & Mgmt CAIV 8/1 B 0.81 0.88
Boyd Gaming Corp BYD 8/1 B 0.28 0.45
Brookfield Homes Corp BHS 8/1 B n/a 0.35
Capitaland Ltd CLLDY 8/1 B n/a 0.41
Chevron Corp New CVX 8/1 B 3.03 2.27
Cigna Corp CI 8/1 B 0.97 0.96
Clorox Co Del CLX 8/1 B 1.10 1.07
Dorman Products Inc DORM 8/1 B 0.26 0.32
Equitable Res Inc EQT 8/1 B 0.43 0.26
Firstenergy Corp FE 8/1 B 0.96 1.13
Graham Corp GHM 8/1 B 0.76 0.53
Haemonetics Corp HAE 8/1 B 0.54 0.50
Hearst-Argyle TelevisioHTV 8/1 B 0.20 0.18
Hms Hldgs Corp HMSY 8/1 B 0.16 0.15
Ingersoll-Rand Company IR 8/1 B 0.89 0.95
Ingles Mkts Inc IMKTE 8/1 B n/a 0.81
Iowa Telecomm Services IWA 8/1 B 0.20 0.20
Nissan Motors NSANY 8/1 B n/a 0.37
Nortel Networks Corp NeNT 8/1 B -0.04 0.07
Nyse Euronext NYX 8/1 B 0.78 0.65
Oshkosh Truck Corp OSK 8/1 B 1.05 1.21
Ppl Corp PPL 8/1 B 0.55 0.63
Public Svc Enterprise GPEG 8/1 B 0.59 0.58
Rait Invt Tr RAS 8/1 B n/a n/a
Statoil Asa STO 8/1 B 1.09 0.83
Sun Microsystems Inc JAVAD 8/1 B 0.25 0.36
Tidewater Inc TDW 8/1 B 1.52 1.61
Total S A TOT 8/1 B 2.53 1.83
Brush Engineered Matls BW 8/1 D 0.43 0.52
Caraustar Inds Inc CSAR 8/1 D 0.10 0.04
Digimarc Corp DMRCE 8/1 D -0.05 -0.02
Eldorado Gold Corp New EGO 8/1 D 0.05 n/a
Libbey Inc LBY 8/1 D 0.10 0.27
Lyon William Homes WLH 8/1 D n/a n/a
Peapack-Gladstone Finl PGC 8/1 D n/a 0.33
Scana Corp New SCG 8/1 D 0.45 0.47
Tasty Baking Co TSTY 8/1 D 0.01 0.12
Washington Post Co WPO 8/1 D 6.90 8.16
Cell Genesys Inc CEGE 8/1 A -0.33 -0.03

**Happy Trading**

Your Economy #board- 1948