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03/19/02 6:34 PM

#6961 RE: boatRgirl #6959

Boatrgirl~~~Amen to that!....

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03/19/02 8:56 PM

#6965 RE: boatRgirl #6959

boatRgirl says......... "I think the point that is trying to be made, is that a LOT of things that never came to fruition, i.e. "The Nasdaq Listing" cannot be changed, no matter how many times you ask questions about them ! I don't care how many times you ask when the Nasd. listing will occur, IT AINT GONNA HAPPIN ' AND I don't care how many times you ask the question "where is the big company that offered to buy Hrct for $50 a share?" IT AINT GONNA HAPPIN'
So, that being said, lets move on to some current questions that will keep the NEW CEO on his toes! OK? Fair enough?"

So, you're saying you are satisfied with not finding out what happened to all the things that were supposed to have taken place over the last couple years? They're no longer a part of Hartcourts plan? They just disappeared without an explanation? They're not just delayed, they are completely gone? "NASDAQ AINT GONNA HAPPIN?" Never?? All partnerships with big US companies that were mentioned in the press releases..... "AINT GONNA HAPPIN"? Hartcourts website is littered with these US Titans, claiming partnerships, what do you call that? False advertising? Shady marketing? You don't want to know what Yahoo! Hewlett Packard and Reuters are doing to benefit us? Oh yeah, no big deal, so what if they are no longer involved. What about IBM, Nokia, Reuters and Toys-R-Us? No big deal again? Microsoft? Nah, who would want a relationship with the richest man in the world? F'ing Duh! How about explaining to us shareholders what their strategic partnerships consist of? It seems to be one of Hartcourts best sales pitches. Oh yeah, no need to find that out. Those are all stupid questions. These HUGE US companies are the main reason I'm still a shareholder. If they are no longer with us, I want to know. These are current questions because they've never been answered in the past. In fact, any question that hasn't yet been answered is current in my opinion. For your information, I haven't asked about the Nasdaq listing that you say "AINT GONNA HAPPIN" We found out about what really happened many months later. And I'm sorry you have so little faith that you feel that way. Nor have I asked about the company that supposedly offered Mr. Phan $50.00 a share. When Mr. Phan claimed "That's Horseshit! we're worth ten times that amount" at the time, it was fine with me, I believed him. And if I have asked a question that we already had an answer to.... please forgive me. I know it's not important to you, but, how about you get answers to these stupid current questions for those of us that would like to know? Fair Enough?