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07/16/08 1:01 PM

#106301 RE: Jetmek_03052 #106297

jetmek in thinking about your belief that a government conrtact has to be "secret" I came to the following conclusion. If GlobeTel announces a government contract with say the military, there are some on this board that would contract the military to verify the agreement. It would seem the contract could not be kept secret, but the purpose of the contract could. In other words when Boeing was given the contract for the U2 it wasn't specifically for that plane nor was the U2 mentioned in any document. However the money showed up on the contract basis in the financials.
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07/16/08 1:37 PM

#106303 RE: Jetmek_03052 #106297

Jet, I would think that if there were a contract with the govt. and it was black, we would not know about it.
I was just saying a contract with the U.S. govt. as an example. If there was one that was announced by both GTEM, and the Govt., would that be enough for you to be convinced.
I'm not saying there is one, or going to be, just an example.
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07/16/08 3:46 PM

#106313 RE: Jetmek_03052 #106297

How could a Governmnent contract be "secret" ! They are Public record . As far as GTEM is concerned, even if you believe they have some tech that no one else has, that doesn't stop them from announcing that they have a contract !! In fact, they would probably get sued if they didn't announce it!!