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07/15/08 1:34 PM

#14141 RE: bbotcs #14138 will be called the was discuused on the Glen Beck show approx 6 months was enlightening,

the times are coming.

the "panel" also discussed...the "super Highway" being built

coming up thru mexico...and its in Nebraska (i think)


07/15/08 1:36 PM

#14142 RE: bbotcs #14138

bb, Amero


07/15/08 1:51 PM

#14143 RE: bbotcs #14138

U.S. dollar:

I don't think they really have a plan. All of this mess is the consequences of having an ultra-rich leadership that works to benefit itself. All countries where power is concentrated are complete shit: North Korea, Iraq under Saddam, Russia, Zimbabwe.

The countries where the ultra-rich don't rule are thriving in every which way possible: Sweden, Switzerland, Canada.... better school, health care, economy...

Our way of life is the best way of life only for a small percentage of Americans who have the skills and luck to succeed. For the majority, this country is just another shithole banana republic.

Will the dollar be destroyed? I doubt it. But even after all this pain -- it should be clear that the ultra-rich will not suffer at all. They don't care about high gas prices. Most politicians have their gas paid for by taxpayers for pete's sake. Why should they care? And healthcare as well.

Until this country elects someone other than a major party candidate -- there will never be change. But it should be clear that the chances of that happening are next to nothing since you have to be connected to the ultra-rich to run for president.

Oh well -- back to the grind.

latin blood

07/15/08 9:08 PM

#14158 RE: bbotcs #14138

The conditions aren't there for Latin America to accept a combined currency with North America (maybe the only exception could be Mexico). In fact, there are conversations going on in South America to get rid of the USD for the international trade within the block of countries (Mercosur + affiliated). I suspect this could be because Brazil's Central Bank doesn't want to keep growing their international reserves in USD, but at this point it is just a guess.