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07/14/08 12:04 PM

#106241 RE: Peeb #106240

Peeb...Thanks. IN part this confirms my belief, that the filing regs. shift to formal 10K filings, under our current circumstances, from the usually expected intermittent 8K stuff....

Unless absolutely mandated by the SEC auditors.


Before dawn there is darkness.
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07/14/08 12:08 PM

#106242 RE: Peeb #106240

Uh oh: Rob stated the following :

"There are future payments to TAO that must be made, but for all intents and purposes, this agreement has been consummated."

And exactly what are they going to pay TAO with ???? Now let's see if I have this right. Globetel owes in excess of 500,000 dollars in unpaid judgements against them for contract indebtedness/unpaid bills. Several more are slated to be heard and have not had judgements yet but we all know how that'll go. The 1/2mil + judgements are accruing 11% interest and we calculated that it's somewhere around 4000.00+ per month accruing. In addition to that the one's that have the large judgements have placed Liens against the company to make sure they get their money should globetel actually come up with any. Now with that being said, since globetel now has absolutely NOTHING but TAO/Sanswire as a source of POTENTIAL revenue years down the road how are they going to uphold their end of the consummation ??? Surely ya'll see what's coming right ? I wonder if TAO will accept an IOU from good old JL ? or maybe they'll print up 500 million shares to "give" to 'em.

Remember that overlypromotional and hype statements from individuals and companies are illegal. If you feel investors are being "rooked" contact the SEC.
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07/14/08 1:44 PM

#106245 RE: Peeb #106240

Wow - that's quite a bit of wiggle room - since we're already not compliant anyway, why worry about filing all those troublesome reports...

Weak...very weak excuse..."for all intents and purposes" and "not absolutely necessary"...GTEM, you have NO credibility to make such a disclaimer...

File the damn report…