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07/12/08 11:29 AM

#68 RE: Gerry321 #67

Interesting Gerry but I'm not sure if I interpreted what he said the exact same way as yourself. I transcribed word for word what he said and I think it could mean something else. However the stutter in the second part could be a give away. First the transcript.

"and it will be the same infrastructure that we are putting in that will come later for the FC obviously. Urm, these vehicles are available today [this is the point he gestures looking over his shoulder at the Transit] This one will be available in August [08?] but they're available today. The FC will be in (?) years time [To my ear he misses out "a" i.e "in a years time"? "in years time" could just be a manner of speech meaning in many years time when FC's do become cheaper?]

However the next part a few seconds later when he stutters* a little is curious and you might be on to something there :-

"as it will be for the FC vehicle that's going to come along lat*[er] years late to come"

basbas, BABBO get the video on your computer before it's re-edited as we need a third and fourth opinion. The highest vote wins :-)

ps. As Gerry points out the video is badly edited towards the end with a silent repeat segment running on. If someone has a family member with lip reading abilities we might uncover a snippet or two :-)