RE "Is PPHM a $90 million +/- valuation company, a billion valuation or a multi billion valuation company? "
Your sentence implies that the share price goes no lower, which is highly unlikely. If investors abandon the shares after a possible reverse split, and/or if they can't get cash to find trials, or that cash comes from massive dilution, it could be a nearly WORTHLESS company. Why you and others choose to ignore that very realistic possibility based on the track record of this company and management team is beyond me, or is that why you guys keep me around? ;-)
If a reverse split happens BEFORE your potential positives (Duke paper, phase 2 results) I fully expect the value of Peregrine stock to decline more deeply than it has already.
You may choose to ignore that, and only be wired for the extreme long term results, but most investors don't want to see their portfolio suffer Chinese water torture losses (OK, paper losses).
RE "I have had the opportunity to sell PPHM shares at $3+ three times since I first invested here"
But you didn't, and now you're holding at 40 pennies.
That should tell us all we need to know about the value of your opinion regarding this investment/speculation. Also, if anything, it's proof that PPHM should be no more than a short to intermediate term investment, NOT a buy and hold for years.
Also, since each of those times you mentioned, PPHM has had a larger number of shares outstanding. Although I suspect that large share count is something that is about to be remedied in a very harsh way.
All my opinion of course.