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07/08/08 8:26 PM

#10683 RE: Steady_T #10655

Steady -

You have me confused. I've looked at the daily tape and i don't see any transaction at .036 as you've supposedly fessed up to fat fingering. exactly what time of day did you pull the trigger? not that it matters to me because I'm a buy and holder til this shootin match is over. just curious.

and btw the way for all those who care - thanks for the kind words. i've decided i'm going to continue participating in general conversations regardless of what i've been instructed to avoid. the instructions don't really apply to me - legally or technically - and to be honest the instructions are FOS and a bit self-serving.

as long as i don't divulge closed door info (and i don't really plan to because not much comes this way anyhoo plus i know the possible penalties involved for going stupid) i'm free to voice my personal opinions about the opposition and to disclose whatever publicly available additional information i just happen to find. if any body objects - well, so be it. object away.

you just gotta love the 1st amendment.

plus, after thinking about the matter i don't see where going dark plays into strategy. there are gag orders all over the damned place and i happen to be feelin a bit fiesty these days.

hey, pxd picked the fight. i say we finish it. i'm not sittin on the sidelines protecting the virtue of sportsmanship while the other team cheats.

where the hell has the referee been all this time? sleeping on the job? there's a game going on for crissakes.

this jusy ain't happening on my watch boys. damn the torpedoes. see ya'll in the a.m.