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05/08/04 10:00 AM

#44014 RE: Zeev Hed #44011

Rumsfeld's resignation would go a long way in restoring the perception of US civility in the world. I'm not sure civility or perception are issues that concern the rightwing ideologues surrounding Mr. Bush. Afterall, they've got the biggest bombs, and the blueprint from 'Project for a New American Century'. This is what concerns, and should concern, the international population.

It's strange, indeed, when those, like Rangel, formerly considered ultra-left start making [common] sense. There was a time when I was republican, and I'm still considered a 'registered Rep'. But the Republican party, having aligned themselves with the religious right and the neoconservative movements, has become too extreme and, in my opinion, dangerous to the American people and the world.
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05/08/04 10:46 AM

#44024 RE: Zeev Hed #44011

In response to your post: it certainly isn't a yes/no question <g>.

The group of thirty central bank puppeteers have a choice between two boyz from the same fraternity. The bull has not shed his horns if they favor the incumbent. If they'd like a change, you need to ready your bear suit. Who does AG favor, does he care? Does the market decide the election, or does the election decide the market, I favor the latter.

If they are neutral, maybe the market just returns to the normal supply/demand operation we've seen since 87 <g>.
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Rick Faurot

05/08/04 10:48 AM

#44025 RE: Zeev Hed #44011

I agree Rummie and Myers should resign. I'd add to that list Feith, Wolfowitz, Rice, Powell, Cheney and Bush.

They are all co-conspirators in the disaster in Iraq.
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05/08/04 3:15 PM

#44058 RE: Zeev Hed #44011

further on rum resigning; one of the character flaws of this admin is its "loyalty at all cost/never show weakness by admitting your wrong" firing many it would show strength if they could admit that...
i agree it would be to bushes advantage to let rumsfeld go, but he and or his "advisors" probably cant/wont grasp that is the best thing they could do for themsleves, (and our country)...It takes courage to do the right thing like that, courage is not something i see in 1600 penn ave..still, if pressure mounts, i would not be surprised if rumsfeld left.

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05/08/04 3:20 PM

#44061 RE: Zeev Hed #44011

<Why is Rumsfeld not resigning?>
Why should he? And why does an ethical, compassionate creature like yourself who has obviously experienced some economic deprivation in his life think that wars can be fought from the moral high ground. If you have ever killed anyone in a conflict you understand that in that flicker of a second your survival instincts kick into high gear. And then afterwards the worst comes to the forefront----the frustrations of NOT knowing how to bring it all to an end. If you turn a light switch on and off many times eventually a few fail and get stuck in the "on position."

We're very good at killing people with indifference from the air . On the ground we retreat back into our survival modes. That goes for all countries in conflict. Our problem today is that we have an enemy that has created its own mutated form of "biological survival" in conflict. We are not there yet but should a WMD be detonated in the U.S. we will be shooting anything in sight that moves in a war zone, regardless.

The level of hate that "they" have for us is also trully remarkable. It's without precedent. Do you remember MacNeil's response (from MacNeil and Lehrer) in an interview as to the most "memorable" statesman he had ever met? His face displayed a full second of fear, Zev, when he finally responded with: the Ayatollah of Iran. "A man," he remarked, "who was still living in the 10th century."

We really ARE clueless regarding this part of the world. A student and later friend who became a CIA agent in the ME gave me an education that confirmed LeCarre's worst fears.
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Math Junkie

05/08/04 4:16 PM

#44069 RE: Zeev Hed #44011

I find myself wondering if refusing to apply either criminal justice standards or the Geneva Conventions to the Gitmo detainees influenced some of our people to think that prisoner abuse in Iraq was OK.
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05/08/04 4:22 PM

#44070 RE: Zeev Hed #44011

That's like asking why Churchill is not resigning. Rumsfeld is a brilliant leader; we are very lucky to have a tough, unflappable person such as him during troubled times.... Whether one agrees with him or not, one must recall how he handled the two wars, and marvel at his ease and skill in handling the media.