Reread that article again. Would beebee's 'official' PRS BE CLASSIFIED as a statement being posted on public message forum. I think it does, and he was warning everyone that he was a 'liar' and a 'thief', using this forum for personal gain. The statement he posted only fits one person, himself. The words profit and gain from the decline of the stock, sure reads like a 'confession' to me. Did anyone else here profit and gain from the decline in share price, besides beebee. ????? Anyone notice, beebee don't care if we know, or think he is a lying scumbag???? Bet his family is real proud of him, while they enjoy the fruits of his lying and stealing. He is stupid enough to think because he lied and stole the money, he is safe. Gots some bad news for youse beebee. As youse liked to blather, while youse was setting up this scam, and started ''stealing'' from hardworking people that believed youse's lies. . The lord does operate in mysterious ways. And he did say 'an eye for an eye'. If the LORD is right, in that BIBLE quote, will bet youse get youse's. All in my not so humble opinion. Indian