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06/24/08 1:46 PM

#166833 RE: tampa123 #166831

Nicely said, eom.
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06/24/08 2:22 PM

#166836 RE: tampa123 #166831

What if they threw a network and nobody came? That's the question that remains unsettled. I haven't posted much about this because I might be gigantic and it might fad away into say, Banc Cartes or NTT. I'm no longer impressed by names -- only execution and revenue.

It's possible that it will be advertized and launch the ship. It's possible it will be an Edsel. I have no idea how many commuters are going to watch kyacking during their commute.

On the other hand, I do remember Peter's dream of creating channels for people interested in news from Korean, China, India.
This technology goes beyond the Olympics for millions of people want to connect with family, friends, and culture.

This should make millions of Americans aware of a new way to see TV from half way around the world: Japanese talk shows....Indian Politics, Middle Eastern and European favorites. It's a new form of IPTV and time-shifting. Remember Caching allows for a kind of initial premium delivery that might crash the net with too much streaming. (Today's analog to everybody flusing the toilet at the same time during the Uncle Miltie commercials in 1948)

And then there's the issues of profits, DRM, and who owns whatever is left of copyright. This is round 3 of a fifteen round chanpionship fight for power between the Google's, MSFT's and GE's of the world.

I've been an ultimate believer for years. The stuff works. It has potentials the street hasn't really seen and/or believed and things ARE happening.

Not much more to say beyond Watch the price - Watch the Volume.
The numbers are all that matters and how long it takes for Cell Phones, PDA, and the concept of Machine identity and authentication to matter.

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06/24/08 3:25 PM

#166842 RE: tampa123 #166831

Tampa--The mega PR is certainly going to be NBC Olympics via TVTonic on High Definition TV! This recent PR was just the preamble!

If watching the Olympics/TVTonic on laptops makes you giddy, imagine what it would be like on HD TV. As Michael Sprague once modestly put it:

"If you combine the Media Center function linking web content to the home television with a great interface for managing web content as if it were TV GUIDE ON STERIODS...."

By the way, the most recent rumor involves TVTonic trying to recruit Barry Bonds to endorse TV Guide on Steriods part.

I think it is woefully underappreciated that TCTonic on the HD TV essentially takes over the whole screen as a superimposed TV Guide plus Internet DVR. IMAGINE THAT! The channels and other data are superimposed over the content making it a full screen experience. If that doesn't put TVTonic right smack in the middle of the most scorching hot investment sector, then wake me up in the morning! The channels and other data are superimposed over the content making it a full screen experience.

And there will be INTERACTIVE FEATURES that will be the Kaboom Application---Picking your own camera angles for Olympic events for example will blow folks away! Any bets on whether HD TV will be promoted at your Best Buy, Wal Mart, Target etc will be demoing NBC Olympics Highlights with Interactive features?

The new generation of Set Top Boxes and HD TVs already have Extender embedded inside. Turn on your new HD TV and "extending" from the PC to your TV should be a snap.

And with the new Cablecard specs out that allow for two way communication between the Set Top Box or HD TV and the Internet content providers you can completely bypass the PC for Interactive Internet content.


How did TVTonic end up in the epicenter of the consumer drive---very simple: it is leveraging their expertise on Trusted Computing because the whole digital revolution on BOTH the consumer and enterprise side breaks down into anarchy without Trust and Security.

CableCARD goes two-way with new specs

Written by Matt Hickey
May 29th, 2008

The two-way technology would allow your device to communicate with the content servers, opening up a theoretical universe of applications for your device, such as Web browsing and games. Sony is said to be including the technology CableCARD-free in TVs later this year.

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06/24/08 6:24 PM

#166860 RE: tampa123 #166831

Been busy the last couple days and just got caught up on the posting myself. You said it all Tampa. From one realist to another.... Jeff