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06/15/08 1:00 PM

#13296 RE: shadow43560 #13294

shadow- where is his meteorology degree from?

A meteorologist is someone with a degree in meteorology (at least a friggin' BS degree IMO but the ones I look to are all PhDs...). Maybe he has one. I didn't find it the first time I looked awhile back.

I could give you a list of hundreds (thousands?) of PhD meteorologists, climatologists, geophysicists, marine biologists, etc that think CO2 buildup is in large part human caused and that CO2 buildup is also a major cause to Global Warming/Climate Change.

I'll stand corrected if he does have a degree in meteorology. I do think he holds a PhD in accounting if I recall. It has bee n awhile since I even thought about his opinion. I remember looking into it a fair amount before writing him off though.

Even if he has a degree in meteorology it doesn't change my view of his opinion. There's just too much source info from too many scientific bodies I respect to not think humans are probably involved in some manner with the climate change we're seeing. I may have as much meteorological background as he does as far as schooling at college. Just not as obsessed over it:) I have other things to obsess over...
Just my opinion.

I know I'm in the minority position on this one on this forum so will quietly try to tuck back in my shell LOL.

Good little bit of discussion though.

Happy Father's Day all! Especially some of the fairly newbie fathers like Zen and Truefl...

I don't mind stealing bread from the mouths of decadence... But I can't feed on the powerless when my cup's already overfilled.
-Temple of the Dog

"We didn't build this company on the sniff of an oily rag."