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06/05/08 7:26 PM

#18582 RE: arimle #18581

This is how I see it with my cop an attitude opinion.
First of all I am not an insider but do have alot at stake here and am digging like that fury little Bast@@d on Caddy Shack .

I will refrain from too critical a comments as I took a little bit of a beating for that from some.
Lets get this out of the way,, WE are all here because of greed.That being said,
We want and need this to happen because we put so much in and we want to make it the easy way to make our lives easier .The truth ain't always pretty.
What would be a mistake is for me to find out that SOMEONE was banking on our greed.
Most of us realize the bad news but in the last day or two it has started to turn around as most of the NSOL personal have decided to take two paths instead of the one IA path.
Nsol is moving forward as a company in light of the questions that have come about on the VIABILITY of IA.That is good news because we are not sitting around waiting for a MAYBE's. Nsol is planning to move in an independent direction until otherwise proven by IA. If IA comes along? and the stockholders feel that its better then what is happening at the time ,then Nsol can head in that direction if that is what the stockholders want. Pat Herda is doing just that but really wants and needs Shareholder value. The rumors about Pat leaving were an IA effect lets leave it at that.

IF, the Money comes through from KY and KFA ,Us stockholders may decide that this path is better and will be in the stock for the longhaul. Many (not me ) have screamed that they don't want the company sold and want to ride it for years.( I just want something) That means you have confidence in Nsol. Well good for you.

My crystal Balls are very TENDER Lately with this OFFERING and are telling me you just don't put in more than any of us can loose.
By the 4th of July we will know if someone's been pissing down our back and telling us its raining. Ky's and KFA's time will have come to pass and the next week and the next week and the next week won't cut it anymore.
We need to realize that all involved in Nsol have most of their life savings in this too, along with yours, and are trying to realize this dream. That being said,,,
There are other plans in the works from what I am hearing but mean nothing to me at this time . This is our best shot
with oil this high IF, IF this is real technology . I am interested in this Company for this CTL deal and that only.
The PPS tells us we are not smart people ,but are people hanging on to a dream. WE saw easy money that we all wondered how this could fall into our laps and no one else was running it up before us. Right? Then we Averaged down .Right? Then we got pissed.Right? Then we started blameing people for deceiving us.
Then some threatened action.( they know who they are) We were greedy all the way down
As some scumbag sold all the way down and blew away our dreams.
I made some real beauty mistakes to top the list . Most of you remember the day one of the posters called me names so I sold the crap out of the stock and pushed it down.Hell it was my stock, but then I bought it back and got my a@s handed to me all because of pride.( Well it was a little fun) But I never BS'ed you . Not everything I was told was accurate but the things I have said on here both Public and Pm was as straight as I know it.
At this point I am going to stand pat and see what happens in the next month. I will help Nsol any way I can so long as I am not lied to . I have not gotten any insider info but expect honest answers to what I am allowed to ask and to what I have uncovered while Caddy Shackin.
In the last Couple of days the crap has hit the fan as far as I am concerned and the people from NSOL stood up like men and appear to me like they are dealing with it honestly and moving in the direction that we should have stayed on. Everyone of us wanted to believe in this stock just as the insiders did
to the extent that things may have gotten by us because we wanted to believe in what was to good to be true.
I kneel down and pray every night that I will owe "IA" a big I"M SORRY . ( well maybe not kneel) BUTT we will see.

Believe me the insiders want that stock up more than all of us and while we are checking IHUB they are using their telephones all day running up their own bills trying to make this happen. Keeping the company a float takes money and the sale of stock that we are seeing is for those expenses. People with a considerable amount of money that are putting it in to NSOL to keep yours and my dream alive have to be compensated (Unfortunatly) to put in real cash that they may never see again or that is restricted for a period of time.
It ain't that good a deal for them considering the possibilities but if the whole concept works then the risks will pay off.
Do not take this post as a pump as some of you know I raise many questions in my pm's but what are you going to do with .16 cents at this point.
I say lets give it a little longer in case Kentucky is real and then you can always do what you need to after that is decided. Men are like Tea bags , you know whats in them when they are in hot water. Well there will be plenty of chance for Tea Time after the 4th of July