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BB_Blue Chip

06/01/08 11:23 PM

#181047 RE: FIAT #181046

Great post FIAT and so very true, time will tell!!




06/02/08 12:14 AM

#181054 RE: FIAT #181046

Now we are getting closer to having similar thoughts, this is good!

I didn't see this one before sending my last. I totally agree that Akinyanju is an excuse. If Xechem thinks he's a reason they aren't selling product, they should get their best sales person to sell him on the product and they'd be fine. Doesn't matter whether he's really capable of driving many sales to the company, I'd rather have whatever he can provide, be on the positive side of any PR he puts out and have him in pictures with other important political figures. It's all good stuff!

I've been told that they are not using the new process, it didn't work and they are back to the original process, they might have improved it, but it's essentially the same process.

I don't disagree that a mistake was made not having more product at the launch, although I can't really comment since I wasn't there. I do believe that if they had marketing materials, told the potential clients how they could get it (where) and educated them on it while they were at the Xechem office, it was probably not quite a disaster. Although, without more information I can't debate intelligently and won't, I'll give you this one... (heck of a guy I am, eh?)

I totally agree with your last point and it's a well known point with whom it needs to be with...