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05/01/08 10:08 PM

#329697 RE: rollingrock #329693

They WERE doing their job. They said there were zero WMD's to be found, and that is still the case.
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05/01/08 11:38 PM

#329699 RE: rollingrock #329693

the inspectors never said they werent getting access. in fact theyve said the opposite.. they were doing their job.. they were removed because the decider wanted to bomb iraq regardless.. and then he got on national tv and told the world saddam wouldnt let the inspectors in...

was he not informed or was he lying? how could you not know the facts about that incident regarding the inspectors lead by hans blix? are you purposely misleading us with your perceptions or were you only looking at the news you wanted to believe and that was based on lies?

the truth here is very black and white... the inspectors were in iraq doing their job and the decider said we're going to bomb iraq.. he didnt care what any inspectors said... so which is it?

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05/02/08 1:15 AM

#329703 RE: rollingrock #329693

Hilarious! Not only do you not read, but you come up with incredibly stupid one-liners.

The President probably didn't want the inspectors killed since Hussien wasn't letting them do their job.

READ my post this time (the link within this link):
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05/02/08 2:57 AM

#329715 RE: rollingrock #329693

hey, rolling rolling, oh boy! .. just have to add that Scott Ritter wrote that they didn't do big
chemical weapons search, because the yank, i think, in charge of that knew they wouldn't find
anything, and of course, some wouldn't have wanted to have the inspectors say that; yep, Bush, boys;

don't forget, that the inspectors were stuffed when they were infiltrated
by CIA men and yep, were spying .. the first time around, i think ..

rolling, if you really don't know .. then why say .. at least check your facts,
a bit .. if i'm wrong on anything, as it's off the top, then post me a link and
i'll apologize .. in return, just consider checking facts, before spouting ..
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05/02/08 3:34 AM

#329718 RE: rollingrock #329693

>>>I don't know what to say. You don't even understand
your own post! The President probably didn't want the inspectors killed since Hussien wasn't letting them do their job.<<<

Should have quit while you were ahead which was at the punctuation of...."I don't know what to say".

Two days ago you said: "Saddam Hussein....refused to let UN inspectors in". Today, in response to my question of how Bush could have ordered UN inspectors to leave if they hadn't arrived in the first place you answer: "The President probably didn't want the inspectors killed...".....??? No inconsistency there near as you can tell? Like.....why would "The president" be concerned about the wellbeing of UN inspectors that weren't allowed in to begin with? How do you explain it to yourself? Did a battalion of UN inspectors invade Iraq before US troops did???

Sure is unusual to see someone dig a hole as deep as yours and even more unusual is the lack of deterrent by the increasing darkness. I'd be dumbfounded if it wasn't for the fact that you still refer to the commander guy as "The President". Speaks volumes...

"WASHINGTON, May 1 (UPI) -- President George W. Bush hit a milestone Thursday with a CNN poll giving him the highest disapproval rating of any U.S. president since World War II.

Seventy percent of respondents to the CNN/Opinion Research poll said they disapprove of the way Bush is doing his job.

"He is more unpopular than Richard Nixon was just before he resigned from the presidency in August 1974," said Bill Schneider, a CNN senior political analyst."