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05/02/08 6:32 AM

#329720 RE: seabass #329718

his responses are an example of an inability to think critically and rationally and then express it..and then they want us to respect thier babble and complain they arent being given equal time when what they express is not coherent...

he is a good example of the 30% crowd. this is what happens when you are taught to believe things rather than look at information critically and then think and reason out your opinion.. thats the difference between being one of the sheep or an individual..of course they all think they are being original..

and these are the people the politicians are falling over each other trying to attract thier votes.. thats what i find even more peculiar...


05/02/08 7:11 AM

#329722 RE: seabass #329718

"...and even more unusual is the lack of deterrent by the increasing darkness." Excellent definition of exactly where that poster is/has been!


05/02/08 8:12 PM

#329838 RE: seabass #329718

It really doesn't matter. You
obviously don't understand what the war against radical Islam is about and support the moonbat liberals that want America to lose. What's up with that?